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Everything posted by Rab

  1. Borrow Don's Xcal and see if it's throwing any codes?
  2. His mum always said he was "special"
  3. Split the reward with him for a night of blackjack and hookers for the 2 of you. Don't tell either of the wives.
  4. Why dad, why? I hate you Did I do good?
  5. Pissed off now. Internet is back up, so have to start a full days work - from 3:30pm Friday arvo :S
  6. Yep - once you get bored of a couple of sample clips you end up just using the TV to watch whatever is on in the highest quality that's available.
  7. Am tipping it came out of the box that says 75 on it
  8. I think that's about 8 hours a year? Probably around there somewhere edit: although my maths is probably less reliable than my internet
  9. Yep - doesn't stop me whinging the 0.001% of the time that it's not working though.
  10. Internet down, can't work. Called Optus - 45 minutes on the phone with the usual gumby - "Oh yeah, We've got an issue in the area. Couple of hundred users are out" "Try again in 5 hours" They wonder why I don't use them for the phone lines
  11. Can't help you with the parts list, but can help you post pictures quite easily
  12. Post the imgur link to one of the pics - I'll upload it for you to show that that is not the issue
  13. If it's still the same issue as was being experienced before - there was an update to IE that would have asked you a security question at some stage. "do you want to send data to the webpage" or something like that. Answering "No" to that seems to have broken sending images to some forums It doesn't come up often, because hardly anyone uses IE anymore, and it's only those that answered "wrong" to the prompt that have the issue
  14. If you click on the "e" in the pic below to goto the "internet", try one of the other ones to get you there instead If there are none on your desktop you can goto CHROME and get the red, green and yellow circle one. Then follow Keith's instructions and see if you can post pics
  15. Are you using Internet Explorer? Tried a different browser?
  16. Are you using internet explorer? Were issues posting pics ages ago - not sure if it's fixed. Try firefox or chrome and see if it works.
  17. Not wrong - Kia is the top selling car now
  18. Damn - you're below 50% post/like strike rate Lucky there's no "Dislike" button - you could go negative
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