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Everything posted by Rab

  1. Excellent response And perfect reasons to move on
  2. As someone who owned one can I get you're honest critique? For me they look awesome (was tempted to get one before I got the Falcon) Handle great Underpowered Why was it not a keeper? Would more poke make it a keeper? or was it just not there?
  3. I reckon Fluff could make some decent skids on the driveway
  4. Drop into Chili Mojo - next door to the mexican place we ate at - he'll set up up for whatever pain you desire
  5. Bought a variety of seeds from The Hippy - think my pots got mixed up
  6. If I pick the wrong one - it'll be a whole new rear end
  7. Got 8 plants growing in the backyard that are just starting to flower. Random mix from jalapeno to scorpions Will be russian roulette I harvest - most will be easy to work out, but there's a couple I have no idea what they are
  8. He's great at that - makes the 30yo's hurt. Tomorrow is 2 x 1.5 minute rounds - no time to wear them out. He needs to become a pit bull instead of a grey hound
  9. Give me warning and I'll put up beds and a feast. Will show the mates a few of the decent bike rides down this way and show you some of the local pubs. We have a couple of breweries down this way too Look at the superbike weekend in Feb if you need a prompt for dates - would be good weather for your mates and is a great weekend at the Island.
  10. Yeah - not pub fight Am tipping he'll end up standing at arms reach of the other guy, soak up punches and swing at the air. As soon as it clicks for him and he works out how to fight taller opponents (basically everyone) he'll start being scary. He comes out of a loss now, smiling from ear to ear - "f*ck that was fun" Am dreading the look on his face when he starts winning lol
  11. He'll be getting one of those "S" plates soon won't he? Last I heard it was your turn to come over this way and let me show you some of our roads
  12. Put pink liquid in the see through thing - she didn't like the green
  13. Rab

    Soundbar Magic ?

    There's compression there. We're not talking audiophile gear - you won't notice
  14. Not really blind or deaf - just not going to spill the beans on Azaria
  15. Also are known to be conservative on the specified power.
  16. Mr 16yo has his 2nd interclub boxing match tomorrow Found his opponent - taller, heavier and heaps longer reach. "Reckon you'll be able to counter his reach?" "Nup - I'm screwed" "Still want to fight?" "Hell yeah" :D
  17. Well done - you must feel pretty chuffed now
  18. Rab

    New Members Thread

    That may be the issue. There are a lot of thing's I might say over the phone or in person that I would never put in an email. Any discussion of a client to a 3rd party would definitely be on that list. They may also only do such a thing if the car owner gives them the OK first I'd probably give them a buzz (or get the owner to give them the OK to speak to you) - they have the history and knowledge of the vehicle and a relationship with them from the start (if you purchase and it is a decent car/condition) could work wonders later down the track
  19. They're vaginas K31th - I know you're a little confused at the moment - someone will be along shortly to explain them to you
  20. Back in the late 80's, early 90's KFC had a mini fillet burger for $1.00 Those were the go - forget what it was called, but of few of them were the trick
  21. Yeah, but we know not to talk about it
  22. Am happy - definitely heaps more responsive off the line (normal driving) Car always felt sluggish when taking off casually from the lights etc - basically had to tell it to get up and go to take off quicker than the Camry in the next lane instead of just doing it naturally rolling off the line. Not anymore - seems to have freed it up heaps. Heaps smoother too - seems to have gotten rid of the "hump" it had to get over before coming into power. edit: will do some "not so sedate" driving over the weekend and see if it's noticeable
  23. Haven't had a chance to open it up yet - will give it a run tonight, but sounds heaps better then the muffler delete sounded (sounded asthmatic) Not sure where boost is coming in Don
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