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Everything posted by Rab

  1. Honestly - I'd look at a CBR1100XX and put a Corbin seat on it for mum (with backrest) and high rise kit (handle bars) for him - could even go an aftermarket bubble screen. That thing would eat up the miles in comfort and fall well within budget. Heaps of luggage options for them too (if that's their thing) That and an intercom system and they'd be laughing.
  2. Can't go past a beemer for old guy, big K comfy riding edit: pfft.. 55, he's not old. Is he looking for new or used?
  3. Just pulled a beef roll off the spit - crusty rolls, gravy, coleslaw and flame cooked beef for dinner tonight :D
  4. :S - was my early morning attempt at some comedy in response to this post I should have had a second cup of coffee instead
  5. WPMO: Bastard on the park bench beside me just let one rip - felt the vibrations through the seat
  6. Rab

    Windows 10

    I haven't had any that weren't present before the upgrade.
  7. I took a pic so I could call them when I got home - so the lost parrot owner could get in touch with the one who found a parrot Too blurry :(
  8. Local milkbar 2 posters on the wall 1st: "Missing Parrot" 2nd: "Found Parrot" Posters were next to each other. Folks are dumb where I come from............
  9. Yep. Wouldnt want those experts looking at my running gear Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk
  10. I thought it was at dinner in Jindy I take it back then - k31th may not have been there
  11. Both me and her were adamant it was Doyles lol
  12. I think it's preferred not to post it to the forum/publicly before editing etc A mod would probably clarify That said - I would appreciate a link to the vid to be PM'd through
  13. All good - we've all said things on the forum at different times that we'd do differently if we were worried (most aren't) There's a great community here and a hell of a lot of information, experience, help and memories to be had. Like all communities - it's up to the individual how/where they fit in, contribute and what they get out of it. As far as I'm concerned, someone with an opinion and a voice is of a hell of a lot more value than someone who pops in, makes a single post asking about an issue with there car and then never returns. Keep up the good work, get to know the characters on the forum, give sh*t when it's appropriate, take sh*t when required and you'll fit right in.
  14. Too early for a Tassie Cruise thread to be started? THINGS TO DO Autumn is a great time of year to go on a road trip around Tasmania, the colours in the trees are amazing and it's one of our favourite times of year for photography trips. The East Coast is a great spot as well to visit in Autumn as you don't encounter the crowds in places like Wine Glass Bay and the Bay of Fires that you get over summer.
  15. Think that's the way it is in Vic. Was wondering the other day how it'd relate to using the satnav to dial your contacts (some hook to the phone and allow you to use it as a handset)
  16. PM'd you a link to the vid (bloody 2gb/4 hours upload to youtube lol - took a while) - it's just raw footage, needs some music I think the front view cam gives a heap better idea of speed/acceleration than the rear view. I did change my GoPro's to medium (rear) and narrow (front) FOV instead of wide for the last days drive, so will be interesting to see if that makes a better view. (Evil has got my cards atm to download and play with the footage - he's the pro )
  17. Awesome weekend guys - you sure know how to bring out the weather and the roads. Excellent work - I should have the footage of the reverse (looking back at your beast)
  18. Was a great run Should be able to get some vid of you running behind be soon (once I've got home and had a chance to look through the 8+ hours of it lol) Today was a total blast - great people, great roads and great weather - doesn't get any better than that
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