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Everything posted by Rab

  1. Please - hair of the dog, liquid lunch and more posts
  2. WPMO: Since the grand daughter (16 months old) moved in BUBBLE GUPPIES GO YABBA YABBA DORA and a thousand other retarded cartoon kid shows Bring back Humphrie and Fat Cat
  3. Happy b/day Fluff - will have one in your honour
  4. I always found a cotton ball dipped in scotch and rubbed on their gums quietens them down quick smart. I guess wine or vodka in a sippy glass or bottle could have the same effect
  5. Can I fell your tits, or will you show them to me?
  6. He must have been pissed - first I've heard of it
  7. You're sitting on the washing machine in the family room?
  8. Cans coz they fit in the fridge and the recycle bin better
  9. You went back for seconds by the looks of it
  10. Yellow SS hatchback was my first car - 25 years ago - still miss it
  11. Thread was updating auto, but now is manual Manual isn't installed yet Hurry up MattyP and install the tranny so the tread works again
  12. Means a chick can do this from the other side of the room
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