Isn't a problem - the horizon doesn't move while you're driving/flying in real life
There are other systems that move the wheel/pedals/screens, but out of reach for me - this one's a nice, compact unit.
All hooked up and working.
Need to finish setting up the other screens and wheel/pedal/seat position and connect the Buttkicker.
Quick play last night just to make sure it all works - not turning it on again until all the setup is 100% finished and the room is cleaned up.
Definitely need to fine-tune the motion settings - farck there's some power in the unit
Quick vid of a mate having a play:
FFS - let the misses buy you out and you can come and rent my spare room
Am almost at the point of plumbing in a tap (not because I drink heaps - just because I want to)
(hell - I "modded" the soda stream to work off a CO2 bottle rather than getting new canister every 2nd week @ $xx a pop - how hard can beer be?)
I have war thunder - it actually works with the motion system I have for the sim rig too
Just need the hotas to go with it
I reckon I'll end up making the old Monte Carlo arcade booth into a flight sim booth for the training aspect and grab the hotas to use on the proper rig for fun.
This is the stuff I have for the serious learning part - don't need a big screen (or triples) for that, just a realistic cabin layout. (threw in a joystick - and am missing a 2nd throttle - it's around here somewhere)
edit: yeah - before anyone mentions it - it's I <3 Bananasing dusty.
Don't think anyone around here sells them anymore - went looking the other week for them or the Heineken kegs and had no luck with either.
edit: Well this explains it. It is with a heavy heart that we must announce the end of the Tap Kingdom. The pleasure of draught beer at home was enjoyed by many, but unfortunately the time has come to discontinue Tap King and bid thee farewell.
MS Flight Sim X was the one I was starting on (managed to download the airport I was flying out of and the plane I was flying in)
Was using it as a training aid rather than for fun - got the Saitek controls to replicate it as well as I could.
As per usual though - sh*t happens and I'm dragged away from getting lessons and learning to fly.
Will hit the training properly full steam ahead once things sort them self out at this end - am keen as anything to go PPL, but know if I tried to keep going half arsed at the moment I'd end up stuck in RPL limbo
I go cans for the sole reasons that they fit in the fridge and fit in the recycle bin better (is a hangover from when it was me, the misses and 4 kids living here - recycling bin was a tight fit every second week when they collected)
Currently have 3x27".
Think I'll wait til I get it setup and see if I "need" the 3x32"
From where I'm sitting looking at the single screen that's on it now it looks tiny - will be fine once it has the other two and I'm in the seat - was just a spur of the moment decision helped by a few beers while rearranging the room
edit: the width you get from the triples far outweigh a larger single screen when driving