Yep - have mentioned a few times that he's a decent bloke.
That said - may have also mentioned that Keith isn't the total knobwhacker he plays when he's on the internet (hell - he didn't bring up my snoring even once).
She takes the pink and blue one down to the shops.
1flpp (front lead puppy power)
She wants to mod it to at least 1fldp (front lead dog power), but I don't think she's ready for it yet.
That's why I always by my specs off the beach vendors in Bali - only way I can be sure I'm not lining the pockets of the monopoly.
My guy swears they're genuine Raybans, but I have my doubts
Damn - I feel bad now for whinging that I needed my first set
Excellent pointer on getting help to choose - think I'll take some female friends instead of relying on the store
Pfft - 25 used to be great grandma in her twilight years.
Then old
Then middle aged
Then adult
Now it's almost young adult, with plenty of 25 year olds still having never left mum's teat.
Like these?
Extra $50 for prescription lens
Have a browse through here
Do those prices seem any better? (I think each one shows how much extra for prescription lens when you click on it)
Can't remember how much cheaper my Raybans were from getting in the store, but it was a fairly significant saving.
Order 3 parcels from Cheltenham on Tuesday 25?? kms from me.
Were in dandenong on the tracking Weds 20?? kms from me last might - "cool, should be here tomorrow (today)"
Are now in Thomastown, 60+kms from me. "ok - maybe tomorrow then"
Bloody hell - just been looking at frames
How the hell are you meant to choose your first set?
I've got a pretty good idea of what I don't like, but trying to work out what I do is pretty daunting