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Everything posted by Rab

  1. Womens volleyball and pole vaulting will be on - maybe some swimming if I channel surf at the right time.
  2. Should be almost ready to serve by the time you get to Melb.
  3. Couple of nice fat rib-eyes ready to go on for a few hours (reverse sear) Monitoring of the pit all setup
  4. Is it just me or are the Olympics getting less and less relevant each time they come round? Didn't even know the opening ceremony had happened. Nothing from the kids talking about it either.
  5. Excellent result - enjoy
  6. Error 23 - Camshaft Position Sensor Will look into it tomorrow when there's daylight
  7. Cheers - thanks heaps - will look as soon as it downloads
  8. Don't spose anyone knows how to get into self-diagnose mode on a Kwaka do they? Charged battery (was flat) and comes up with FI error on the screen. Everything I've found so for the model ('07 ZX14) so far says to hold the "SEL" button down - don't have the "SEL" button (seems like it was on later models)
  9. Nice Amazing when stuff from the other side of the world arrives in a fraction of the time stuff from just around the corner does Rest of the gear you can source locally?
  10. Good news - Penelope the robovac is now hooked into the system. Can send her off doing the cleaning or chasing the dogs round the house from the bedroom. Working out how to use the IR learning was a bit hit and miss, but easy enough once you work it out.
  11. Sure your car didn't get kidnapped and their sending it back piece by piece til you pay the ransom?
  12. lol - nah - took me too long to find one's I wanted to swap too
  13. Arrived. Hopefully the shop has a spare slot tomorrow
  14. Stop themselves from being sued it it does happen - no matter how unlikely
  15. Lol - did a tasting session at the Single Malt club in Melbourne (great session) One of the samples that got high marks was a bourbon (no one knew til towards the end) - was a really nice drop Should have seen the faces on some of the toff's who marked it highly - was like someone had told them they'd spat in their drink
  16. With heaps of ice and bugger all mixer so it tastes stronger :S
  17. Did that last time when the son ordered Pizza (that was over an hour late) He'd ordered it for pickup :S
  18. Argh Home alone for the first time in ages and the last time for the nextr month or so. Feet up, music on, JD in hand. Ordered some chinese so I can forget about the world for the rest of the night. "Been an hour, they should be here by now" Check the webbrowser - still sitting on "Pay Now?"
  19. Working well from the play I've had - has synched all my devices so far except the robovac lol Phone app gives decent control too and makes setup so much easier than the older Harmony remotes I've had. Will need to get some wifi power adapters - will be able to wake up, turn on the percolator (only thing I need the power adapter for so far), heater, TV (get it to switch to the news channel) in the lounge before I even get out of bed - all with the push of a button Will get out of the shower to hot coffee, warm lounge and the news on the telly. Definitely more that just a remote replacer. Haven't played with setting up "Activities" yet
  20. Logitech Harmony Elite Remote just turned up. Currently juggling a dozen remotes - about to be 1 $351 online - not cheap, but will be a keeper and better than the $550 RRP http://www.logitech.com/en-au/product/harmony-elite?crid=60
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