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Everything posted by Rab

  1. Just a small bit of meat to throw on the bbq tonight for tomorrow's GF.
  2. Aren't you about due (or overdue) for a new kid Puff?
  3. Zac - my step sons rotty, ripped a rabbit (fresh kill) out of my hands as I was walking it back to camp to prep and cook up. Are the whole bloody thing - from nose to tail in one gulp. Came back 20 mins later while I was sitting by the fire and barfed up a small pile of rabbit droppings on my knee. I guess that was his "thanks"
  4. I really think you need to rethink some choices you've made in your life where you consider new wiper blades as "cool"
  5. Epic Game Store has new free games each month edit: might be every week or two Usually some decent games in the mix
  6. Never too late at 167k the cars only just run in Usual checks on the engine and the mods listed seem pretty spot on.
  7. Yep - was 90% moved to a virtual offsite server that has a proper backup regime. Last 10% is are the important systems that I need to spend proper time getting to work propery It's always the last step that screws you over 😞 At least once I'm back up it will be with a robust system
  8. Ripped the front bumper off on tuesday night 😞 Dropped the son off at his unit and caught on a log as I was reversing - broken through where the number plate is and broke all the plgs on the RHS. Got it home, chucked it in the shed and haven't looked at it since - weekend job. Been a shit month - my server got hit by an encryption virus/hack/malware and have been 220hrs getting files back - now I need to rebuild the server and see if it's lost anything. Crook as a dog for about a fortninght now and then the bumper to top everything off. New jobs going well though - got a appreciation letter and $100 voucher for the effort put in over the new production facility setup so that helped me feel a little better.
  9. Plus... Freaky would either tag along or crack the sads
  10. Both the I6 Turbo and Boss 290 will run on 91RON without ill effect, says Ford.
  11. Not sure if it helps, but mine felt similar when I blew the intake hose off Sure asll the piping is connected properly?
  12. edit: I don't think there's a launch control on the auto's, just a cut-off if you stall it up for too long (can be edited out)
  13. Sure she wasn't talking about you Puff?
  14. Send them a query on facebook - they seemed to respond that way when I did.
  15. That's the issue right there They taste like crap
  16. Should be able to have it waved if you've been fine free for a few years (under 10km/h over)
  17. Looking great. I always have Waze on in my car, warns of all fixed and most moblile ones
  18. Excellent. I use the Agama launcher for the android - pretty customiseable There are probably better/more recent options out there, but am happier than I was with the stnadard one. Pretty much just use my phone connected to it with android auto these days - does the trick perfectly.
  19. Setting for farkers with high beams on?
  20. Going to be ready for the Snowies cruise?
  21. I've got a tune for the ZX14 that spits fire out the back while burbling when I back off the throttle Lights up a dark night really nicely
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