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Everything posted by Rab

  1. Was suggesting something like that in the Kieths car thread
  2. A Good Honda Beats A Bad F6 AGHBABF
  3. I meant of the ribs once you cook them - I know what the sauce looks like
  4. Think we may have done some of that area last time I was over - Motor Museum then to a Brewery for lunch. (was awesome - not a prob to do it again) Not sure which side roads we took, but was great. We're not on Magill Road - just make a point of heading to the Mexican there each time we head over - great food, hasn't failed us yet.
  5. Was saying to the son that we're due for a trip to Adelaide for the Mexican in Magill Road so we'll be in as long as we can stop there for dinner.
  6. 3 weeks to go - not too late guys to jump on board.
  7. You've seen the weather we've been having down this end - am waiting for it to dry out
  8. Am sure - I was after a quick, easy to use solution that worked and I could forget about until/if needed. Am happy with what I ended up with and the complete setup (8TB NVR recording) was probably a bit less than what just the 4 cams would have been.
  9. I think this is the kit I have (with the ball cams) http://www.honeywellvideo.com/products/video-systems/recording-devices/nvr/performance-series/797971.html
  10. Yeah - I got the idea the car was turning left or pulling over the first time I watched it, but looks too smooth and too quick - would depend what indicator she had on. I think there's a glimpse of the right hand one flashing just before they connected. Will let them have the copy and up to them if they CSI "enhance" it - not looking good for the bloke though.
  11. Had a slight "incident" out the front the other day - lady in silver sedan, bloke in work van. They pulled up out the front and exchanged numbers etc - I popped out to let them know I probably had the thing on camera if they need to get a copy to discuss the incident/insurance etc. Lady dropped round this arvo to ask me for my details because the other person was laying all the blame at their feet and wanted them to pay, so I dug up the footage. Any opinions on who was in the wrong? (and yes - I need to clean up the yard and trim the tree)
  12. Lol - half your luck. 4 days off at this end (Tuesdays a public holiday and no-one calls on the Monday before cup day)
  13. Nah - drove there and back. Did remember to take the baby seat out of the back before I headed there though Didn't bother playing with tyre pressure or the shocks - figured I had more than enough to worry about for the 1st go. Was never comfy with turns 2/3, nor the approach to the main straight - slippery as anything. The rest was just very tentative
  14. I'd say he's looking at any data that's applicable and ignoring any noise
  15. Am dying to get to the Island now - have had the bike round there, can't wait to give the car a go. Sandown was great and definitely going again, but the dozen or so surface changes, patches and the rivers of water made it bloody hard in the wet to really give it a go where I was confident at all. Finally put together my best lap into a video (excuse the stutters between file changes - haven't worked out how to use the software properly yet)
  16. Haven't been x,y,z yet - was FiftyOne though so thought I'd add it ^^
  17. 197 was the best I found browsing on the dashcam Will get round to pulling my best lap of the day off the footage and putting it together Nothing special, but will at least give me a record of the day.
  18. Dragged him to the Sandown track day He posted on FB in one of the car pages last night: "Anyone selling an XR6 Turbo?" My job is done
  19. Shot of me and dad with the last of the Falcons :(
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