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Everything posted by Rab

  1. I think it was - has been fine for me since last night when I logged out and in. Am tipping it was due to the computer/browser I went to still being active from the day before. Fingers crossed it's all sorted - seemed fine before then returned when the caching turned back on. Seems fine again now with the caching off.
  2. Rab

    Soundbar Magic ?

    Was meant to be "can't afford it" My fingers always betray me - no wonder I'm always broke
  3. Rab

    Soundbar Magic ?

    Nooooooo I can afford it Everytime I get pulled back into looking at stuff my bank balance takes a hit :S
  4. Just bought a set of these. Miss 2yo has taken a liking to my headphones - am hoping she prefers these ones If she comes up to me and says "These sound crap" then she'll be welcome to my gear
  5. Excellent Much noise from the beast? (my bitch is a friggin noisy farker)
  6. Yes, Yes it is possible to have negative interest If you want (and feel energetic) could I suggest you head to Cradle Mountain for the night, do the walk round the lake, feed the pademelons etc and we can meet you there on the way through? We won't have the time to do the lake walk, but it's definitely worth doing if you haven't done it before, and it's worth us going via there for Gary to take some photos.
  7. Plus you drank all the Kool-Aid Needs more red and less bubbles?
  8. You can go to the Mona museum for us and get pics. I've got zero interest in that crap, but everyone tells me to go there. Time/date stamp they won't know it wasn't me taking the pics. Or - you could go and look up Jackie Lambie and have some political discussion? Honestly though - if there's anything around Launceston you're interested in head there - we probably won't have much time to sight see through there on the last day.
  9. 3 cars going now - will be spare seats/beds Anyone else tempted to join us? There will be cake.
  10. Rab

    Soundbar Magic ?

    Meant to say "Fisher Price" Am jelly - 2 friggin subs?
  11. Rab

    Soundbar Magic ?

    Mine's setup like a Fisher Paykell "My First Remote" Push the screen for music, TV, DVD etc and it does it all (including the aircon/heater) Push "Goto Bed" and it turns it all off
  12. Rab

    Soundbar Magic ?

    Could I suggest a decent universal remote? Looks like a killer system - neighbors are going to hate you. Please feed it something better than the foxtel music channels
  13. Rab

    US Elections

    Dunno - but am stealing it for the name of my rock band
  14. Am sure even a 30 year old PC can give a red, blue or green button option
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