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Everything posted by Rab

  1. Dinner somewhere this week or early next week?
  2. Been driving to work at all?
  3. It was a nice pace all round - we even got close to the speed limit in a few areas - I had a passenger so was happy to sit, chill and chat Am more than happy to let someone else go first around blind single lane reducing radius corners in the rain where there's no idea of oncoming traffic That said - all three of us took our turns at the front, back and middle - usually decided on where Gary wanted us for the GoPro footage Keith was happy to be in the front - otherwise me or Gary might see a turn off for a waterfall, landscape or old bridge that we'd decide to pull over for.
  4. WMMFGT: On the Tassie cruise I was able to score 3 stone chips in my windscreen (first time in over a decade I've gotten 1 - managed to get 3 within 2 days) First one was from Keith Second from a motorbike we were overtaking Third (and best - middle of line of sight) from courtesy of Gary. Just confirmed with insurance - I get a free windscreen each year. Guy is coming Friday to replace. Nothing looks better than new glass to look through
  5. Did you enable XMP in the bios? Updated bios firmware?
  6. Did you play with lego or duplo or blox as a kid? If Lego then you'll have no trouble If Duplo you should be ok, but ask for help with anything you're not sure of If Blox then just buy a Mac and say that it's pretty and awesome because you may have trouble once you unscrew the case
  7. Your 5th fillup in 5 years and you did it on the wrong day
  8. Huge trolleys are kid friendly too (think they have 2 spots for kids to sit?) - could fit a family of mexicans in one of those farkers. Not sure if the have bub ones though?
  9. Well done. How much is fuel normally over there? How far from Costco are you?
  10. Otherwise I wouldn't have known If you just typed: "Hey Rab" I wouldn't have gotten the notification. When we were in Tassie I noticed RACT Members get 10c a liter off fuel at United servo's. Now that is a useful member benefit for an Auto Club to be offering.
  11. Lucky I checked my notifications - would have not known you'd said "Hi"
  12. You probably know @-Stever- but the notifications aren't just for likes - they also let you know someone has quoted you or tagged you in a post - something that is usually worth seeing if they're asking you a question, letting you know something or are adding something that could help you. By ignoring them you could be missing out on all the great offers coming your way
  13. Yep lol - I looked everywhere else except there. Cheers
  14. Are you able to edit the title to add the dates Keith? (I don't think I can) Mexican Invasion '17. Vic/SA cruise 24-27 March 2017
  15. What was the freebie CD? Did Gary want it back?
  16. Didn't we work out in the other thread that giving crap to Keith is the only way guaranteed to get "likes"?
  17. Probably both. Fed and quenched 8 today, 1 rack of beef and 1 of pork in the freezer for later.
  18. What a feed it was I'll always be a hero - you won't always be pregnant
  19. BBQ's on and first bits of meat are on.
  20. Cowboy? I think most of the issues in Dodge were due to other white fellas
  21. His ensuite needs to be cleaned
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