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Everything posted by Rab

  1. Have got my ticket for the gunners @Puffwagon Saw them at Calder Park with Skid Row and Rose Tattoo in the 90's Don't care how they are now - no way Id miss it
  2. Cheers If you add the ability for me to edit a post after 10 mins then the forum would be perfect
  3. Not a hard choice - bottle of crap red (750ml) or bottle of ginger beer (1.25l) - same price, same %Alc. Sunday arvo when the lunch is dying down - crack out the plastic bottles
  4. Supermarket near me is selling 13%?? Ginger Beer in easy-goers - cheap too
  5. Same conversation Keith, so I included it all in a single post. When it's not the same conversation it makes more sense for them to not be in the same post.
  6. Almost bought a Hayabusa but couldn't get over how frigging ugly they were. Am not usually one who cares for looks above performance, but I do have my limits. I need to be the fat, bloated bulbous thing, not the bike that's under me.
  7. They're the friggin vegetarians of the 2k10's - as soon as "gluten free" became a thing (not having a go at the true sufferers, just those self diagnosed insufferable tossers that have to let everyone else know, all the time, all the places) Am a sucker for ginger beer - have always been more tempted to brew this at home than actual beer. An cheese - have looked into doing that at home too - love a good soft cheese There's a couple more ideas for anyone looking what to put under my tree Hate to say it, but I'm OK on BBQ stuff at the moment :S
  8. Yeah - we drank it. We also made everyone else drink it too - and tell us how good it tasted. They were very polite.
  9. If you can source your own ingredients and just chuck them in then it shouldn't be any harder, but potentially a lot cheaper? I think it was because it got too warm?
  10. Yep - did the brewing with the old man a few years ago. Was a month of 2 nuffies having no idea what they're doing and ended up with a few slabs of beer that tasted like bananas lol Have a mate who brews in his shed (OCD hobby) and has his kitchen plumbed with 2 taps. Am looking for the happy medium
  11. Seems like a foolproof system though. I think there's 2 parts? 1 to brew, 1 to keg? Haven't really had a good look. Am sure there'll be cheats around instead of buying their ingredients? Beer on tap in the kitchen though - can't get that at the bottlo
  12. ^^ is different from what I'm proposing. My way is a lot easier. Everyone buys me a pressie, but I don't know who bought what. This way everyone knows who they're buying for and don't need to keep it secret - can even collaborate. They just don't have to put their names on the pressie under the tree.
  13. Hope you're kneecapping any adult who uses tomato sauce an anything there That looks likes a friggin awesome feed
  14. I think it was after 1999 - was the early/mid 2k's when banks started updating instantly?
  15. I know some of you guys are wondering what to get me for Xmas so I thought I'd help you all out. Coopers Brewery make the world’s first fully automated personal brewing system You may need to work out amongst yourselves who's getting me the Beerflo, who's getting me the Beerdroid and who's getting the different ingredients so you don't double up on anything, but I have faith in you all. (Don't worry - I know that kit would only count as a couple of pressies - will look out for more stuff to add to the list so no one feels left out)
  16. New screen in - he had the correct one delivered to him while at a nearby job. He was looking forward to seeing the 63 and worried how much of a bitch the job would be. Anyone want to start a book on whether I get a stone chip this weekend?
  17. I used the "Ref" field to send messages back and forth years ago lol I'd send a mate $1 with "Hi" He'd send it back with "Wassup?" etc etc etc. Was cheaper than SMS's back then and between accounts at the same back was free and instant.
  18. Nothing better than decent fish and chips when the oil is fresh. Doesn't get any fresher than that
  19. Well that's backfired. I entered in the wrong account number to send the cash to Gary Now I have to explain the returned funds description to the accountant Return No account or incorrect account no Gary anal ticklers Value Date: 30/11/2016
  20. I said 2012, but am tipping when I said FG they thought I said 63
  21. Ok - O'Briens just turned up to do the windscreen With a screen for a 1963 Falcon ...........................
  22. Check if there are any options in your router Many have an inbuilt dynamic dns service which should work fine
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