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Everything posted by Rab

  1. pale blue? Ohhh - go the UV reactive water
  2. Jebus is sad - it's a Cross
  3. Hey guys. After the day earlier this week I've signed up for the next one Yeah - it's a Tuesday but there's fair warning - heaps of time to plan a "sickie". I've signed up for the school this time. There weren't enough people yelling at me while I was doing laps - need a passenger to do it There is totally ZERO concern about the car you're in or your skill level (there was stock Astra, stock 6cyl fords and commy's, VW Golfs, Magna's etc - you're not racing anyone - you're having a blast and learning) If you have any interest at all in driving around one of honestly the best tracks in the world then even if you have to borrow your mums Combi Van - you owe it to yourself. http://www.driveevents.com.au/ "Upcoming Dates/Book Now" Guys - this is honestly a no-brainer. Pull a sickie/RDO/annual leave and sign up. Will be able to offer VERY limited (free) accommodation to 1st in/best dressed, both at the Island and in Vic for interstate/local people who are able to pull their fingers out and sign in. It is honestly a safe, fun, extremely well run, absolute blast of a day - ZERO fsckwits to worry about. You don't need a racecar, or need to be a racedriver to have one of the biggest smiles on you face ever.
  4. Yeah - have been Ralph a few times today, but it never stuck.
  5. Give me this shower - til then I'll use the taps
  6. Yeah, I went a couple of clicks from max - probably too high. I didn't think of it til the drive home and the rear wanted to skip over some bumps. Brakes were fantastic. I kept gaining confidence in them throughout the day. Really need to see how much further I can push them - definitely some time to be picked up there I reckon I'll go with one of the trainers next time I do the Island. Get some proper pointers and remove any bad habits before they develop.
  7. 2.05 - we chose the wrong group (slow) - there were just too many cars to get clean laps in without being held up through sections. I even went out 1st to try and ensure a clear track, but there were still cars coming out of the pits when I made it round to the start line (putting me at the tail of the slower cars who decided to hang back and go out last) I think I went a bit too firm on my rear suspension - was struggling for traction in the later sessions (after I firmed it up) and put it down to the track/tyres getting warmer - thinking back I think the ride may have been a tad too tight. Will be going through video tonight (hopefully) to try and find some decent footage.
  8. Awesome, awesome day. Clean, fantastic day for us all. Need more traction and more skill (probably in the reverse order) Red H.S.V.'s had their own club - other colour H.S.V.'s had the second one - rest of us had fun
  9. We have bridges and dams in Vic for that. Not sure of the options in S.A. - there maybe a cult you can drop them off to.
  10. Proper Adelaide chick would throw the kid out the window and eat the chocs
  11. Cleaning out the car and taking out the baby seat to get ready for tomorrow morning Weather's looking a lot better than earlier - high 20's sounds better than high 30's Should be a great day - fingers crossed we all have a clean one.
  12. Turn off the room lights and get an idea of what looks better. I reckon the red would go better (make the red the background colour, with the blue on the GPU as the contrast)
  13. Got custody of grand daughter just at the time I put all that together. Farking thing may as well be a 486 with 15" monitor for all the use I've gotten out of it :'(
  14. Tapped the kegs thursday night. Lovely brew was the general consensus. "It tastes like a pale ale" was the comment that capped it off perfectly (he had no idea what I'd brewed up). Next batch will be ready to drink in 2 days (coincides with the night in the van down Cowes before the track day - 4 mates crashing with me) Hope this one is as good (Coopers Sparkling Ale) this round. Have got a Coopers Pale Ale I kegged today that will be ready in a couple of weeks, a science experiment (Mexican ale I've infused with lime extract for sh*ts and giggles) also kegged and conditioning, and a red ale and a draught currently brewing. Stout, Pilsner, German Weissbier and an Italian Larger are the next ones to get a turn. Hopefully by then I'll have worked up a stock and can narrow down what direction I want to go for "Rab's Home Brew" line Build up a decent stock of that and then start experimenting, doing small batches and put away some beers to age.
  15. Looking great BCB. Seal the rear pci case slots (so air goes through the fans/radiators - air pressure when the front panel is on)? UV fluid for a bit more pizzazz?
  16. Been busy/lazy over the last couple of weeks and haven't been keeping track of things on here. Got a bit to catch up on. Hope everyone had a great xmas and new year and all made it out the otherside a bit older and wiser. Sounds like the only issues on here was if @Puffwagon can carry a tune (sing, not boost) and if @k31th should be allowed to sit down to pee if (s)he wants to. Nothing to report from this end - much beer drunk, food eaten, kids dissapointed and resolutions broken. Having to come back to the real world sucks :(
  17. Bugger - should have said "typhoon" through the Adelaide Hills - missed my chance with that one :(
  18. Will be sorting out itinerary, accommodation, routes and detours over the next month or so. Hopefully people are still keen and can start to plan time needed for the dates put forward. Will be looking for a show of hands in the next fortnight so I have an idea of what/who to plan for. Please spread the word to all forum members that you think we might be able to rope into this tsunami through the Adelaide Hills.
  19. Do it now and you'll need a place to crash tomorrow night
  20. Tapping my 1st keg tomorrow night. Fingers crossed. Anyone is welcome to come and try if they're game
  21. Back to having to get out of bed at a decent hour :( After a week or so of beer, eat, beer, sleep, beer, sleep, eat, beer, beer, eat, sleep, sleep, sleep, beer, sleep etc clients have started filtering back to their offices and contacting me again. Hopefully their "holiday" hangover is as bad as mine.
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