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Everything posted by Rab

  1. Offer's still open to anyone at a loose end tomorrow. 2 spits running lamb and pork for souvlaki/gyros/kebabs/whatever you call them Lamb ribs Chicken wings Specialty kransky's Home brew Won't be running a cruise though :(
  2. Magic. Have had: American pale ale (awesome) Coopers Sparkling ale (very good) Experimental concoction (lime infused mexican beer) (drinkable and very refreshing - used too much lime) Sneaked a bottle of stout that still needs a few weeks conditioning (unbelievable good. Over 7%. Can't wait til it's properly aged) Got a Red Ale and Coopers Pale about to go in the cooler for tapping on Oz Day. Pale Ale and a draught also conditioning (couple more weeks) Got a German wheat beer and a Belgian trappist dubble brewing at the moment.
  3. Doing lamb and pork souvlaki for Australia Day over coals (gyros or kebabs for any inbreds) Last spit I did was a FAILURE, so doing a dry run tonight. (OK, not dry, need to make room in the fridge for the home brew so am having to get rid of some cans) Yum. Turkey's awesome
  4. How else are you meant to dispose of body parts?
  5. Yep - unfortunately he has the power to implement arbitrary PITA's as he sees fit :S I'd follow them home and drop their trash back to them
  6. I don't want to be seen/noticed?
  7. Silver - never gets a 2nd glance from anyone
  8. testing if it was a script or manual
  9. Yep nup No worries - no magic involved - seems to be admin initiated
  10. Just wondering - it's an arbitrary PITA either way. Wasn't something you did in that instance?
  11. @k31th - is the combining of posts above something that happens automagically or something you undertake yourself?
  12. Hi, My Name is Rab, I am a recovering Alcoholic.... Nah, just Kidding, this is Masda74
  13. Nah - there's just not much spotting or chatting going on to deal with
  14. As far as I can tell it's only ever been people who have a current session open that you get swapped with. I use the "Facebook Login" as my method of signing in. I wonder if it's only affecting others who use that and something with the client there?
  15. The black plastic rectangle sheet that's in the bottom of some of the reuseable "cloth" supermarket bags are awesome as a mouse pad. The even have two textures on them (smooth and rough)
  16. Yep - same here. Surprisingly the busiest time for me was between xmas and new year - usually totally dead at that time. At least diverting the phone and remote desktop allows me to get a bit of space. Best one was when a client called while I was doing 200 down Gardner Straight
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