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Everything posted by Rab

  1. Finally got round to having a go at painting one of the creations Also printed the cup holder doo-dad.
  2. Hunting and gun/ammo sales open again
  3. Yep Once we're allowed out again.... no one will want to :S
  4. Only 2 days? Do the real sim and go a straight week on ox blood. Will need a piss bottle. Mrs BCB can play the part of a rest stop comforter.
  5. 2. Rona took out the other 3
  6. You guys are still allowed to hit the fairway over there? Hunting, fishing, camping and golf are banned here.
  7. Under police guard and warrant on home, property siezed I think. May have deen speeding down the emergency lane himself
  8. I reckon the truck driver will be the one facing serious consequences
  9. Winner winner, pigbit dinner Can almost taste it from the pics - looks fantastic. How'd the char sui turn out?
  10. morning all, happy Wednesday
  11. Home made bacon with chilli cheese jalapeno kranskies with eggs and mushrooms on toast. Who give a fark about presentation when it tastes that good?
  12. Still no shaved pussy comments?
  13. I bet you've never even put your phone into the kettle in the morning have you j@t
  14. If it makes them feel good then it's the correct thread
  15. With the lockdown and 5 kids stuck with me for the duration I decided to run a D&D campaign for us to release some of our pent up rage over the dining table. Bought each kids a set of dice for themselves and bought myself a 3D printer to print out miniatures for the characters and monsters. So far I've printed 4 goblins, a pig, a dog missing half a head, a T-Rex. a tugboat, 2 rifles, a dwarf with no arms or legs and 18 lumps of fscked up melted plastic. Pretty soon I'll be able to print one of the cup holder do-dads for the FG edit: one of these: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Ford-Falcon-FG-FGX-Solid-Cup-holder-Insert-/283554312801
  16. Have got 3 here currently (kids home for the lockdown). They're all cute and cuddly things with hair, not something that looks like it came from a Chinese wet market bringing about the end of humanity through some unholy plague
  17. There is no correct thread for that nightmare material
  18. Lol - didn't even realise it was Friday And a public holiday at that. Me, 3 kids (20+yo's) and grandaughter in lockdown with me being the only one working (from home - 2 kids students, one let off during lockdown and other on disability) Gets a bit hard to keep track of what day it is. I need one of these to help me through the isolation
  19. Thought the quad trailer was hooked up to a ute with a blue tray Then saw it was a spa Then thought the blue ute had a spa for the tray Then thought "Damn, that's awesome" Now I want a ute spa
  20. >$1/l vs living in S.A. You guys had to cut down on stuff to the point where pets don't even come with hair. Could be worse I guess - could be in Tas where you're stuck in isolation where the misses and the sister is one and the same.
  21. It's our way of knowing that K31th hasn't succumbed to the virus yet. If it gets to 11:30 and he hasn't checked in we'll send the Hazmat team to his house
  22. Could even put it in the "Donating Members Lounge" so you need to be a donating member to get the "Good Morning" post. Would be a great incentive/bonus for new members to donate a couple of dollars
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