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Everything posted by Rab

  1. So that'd indicate that the other person doesn't "need" to have a session open for the error @k31th, @CJF077?
  2. Will it be fitted in time for the Adelaide cruise next month?
  3. After watching the bikes on the weekend go round this awesome bit of bitchumen I thought it'd bump the post. Still 2 months away and getting revved up for it
  4. Rab

    New Members Thread

    Welcome Image hasn't seemed to work. Have a look through here for tips on how
  5. Cook in a tray or tray under to catch the juice, rest, pull, pour juice over the meat - yum Squirt of lemon and bob's your aunty
  6. Am actually getting more and more impressed with lamb on the bbq Are you going to pull the meat once done?
  7. Lol K31th - 90% of the people you whinge about/at bought turbo Falcons
  8. Well that sucks :( Make sure you sign up for the Snowies cruise in Nov.
  9. Rab

    What next?

    Have you got an aftermarket cold air intake? If not then the tuner may get a little more legroom for a stable, consistent tune.
  10. Sounds good. I'll probably be looking to head straight to the park to get sorted after the long drive, but it sounds like a good idea for those arriving earlier etc.
  11. Probably best to wait til numbers are finalised and pick a spot then. If it's just you, me and Keith driving from Vic ît should be pretty easy to pick a logical roadhouse/servo. If there's others coming from other direction then a different spot may work better. I'd like to ht the campsite between 5 and 6 so will work backwards from there. Probably an 8/8:30am meetup just out of the city. They'll be open for brekkie and coffee Sat morning?
  12. Was going to say..... 50gb wouldn't even hold my music library
  13. All good - should really only need to bring something if you've got something you'd rather put on for yourself.
  14. Excellent - they happy with snags and stuff on the bbq?
  15. Baxrtute logged in a couple of days ago - I sent him a PM incase he's one of the growing number of members who are collecting notification points instead of reading them.
  16. Fark yeah - awesome news See if you can drag some N.S.Welshmen down withyou
  17. PM me your bosses number - I'll sort the time off for you.
  18. Offsite as in a removable drive I swap out daily and keep in my glovebox. NSA wish they had my data retention procedure.
  19. First post updated with Friday and Saturday plans and accommodation details. Please let me know if you're up for the Friday night BBQ and any meal preferences. Vegetarians are welcome to find another caravan park to stay at.
  20. Microsoft Onedrive FTW - seamless integration with all the computers of all my documents/photos/files etc
  21. FTFY Just driving through on the way to the 12 (6) Apostles. GPS said turn right. Should have said left.
  22. I like/love the Mexican joint in Magill Road. Just need an excuse every year or so to book in for dinner. This year I'm dragging some forum members along
  23. All good - was just putting the offer out there to save us from having to turn up at your place after the pub shuts
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