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Everything posted by Rab

  1. Can lend you a lid if you want - have got a few to pick from. Nothing wrong with a stock car to have fun - you're not racing anyone else or trying to show how big your cohunas are. I thought Evil chucked the tune in the box he gave you?
  2. Oh wow - just realised Monday's a public holiday.
  3. Cheers - was going to go the R888's (or R888r's) the other week (stuck at rims at the moment). Would they be up there given it's only short trip to the track and only looking at dry days on them, maybe 3, 4 or 5 runs a year? The "value" isn't too important yet - I don't think I'm going to be chewing through them at any great rate. When/if I get more dedicated and regular it'll come into account.
  4. Hell yeah Might head over to Calder tonight if I get myself organised this arvo (and can still be arsed)
  5. Rab

    Finally got one

    He was just biding his time and waiting for the right one to pop up Well done - 8/9yo car with 47k kms - not even run in yet Enjoy
  6. Meet us in Adelaide in a couple of weeks and drive back to Melbourne with us to get the LED's done Steve
  7. Will probably be 18" 255's/275's f/r on a 2nd set of rims for trackdays. Definitely street semi (will be driving to and from the track on them - initially at least) Won't be any changes to steering/camber etc as yet. Suspension I'll adjust to what feels "best" as I learn (dampening adjustments) Only a couple of days done so far - next one is under instruction next month - will probably still be on street tyres/rims unless I get myself organised real quick. Car is definitely daily driver, so any changes are along those lines - just want to improve what I can with that in mind.
  8. A mate used to have to keep reattaching his garden hose due to neighbours kids constantly snipping of a few inches every other weekend
  9. Don't blame you - thought of calling the whole thing off when I found out Mexican was unavailable for dinner Take care bud.
  10. No logo, no sun would be my goto. As a proof of concept/case study though - as you were after? I'd be looking for something that, instead of standing out - was only there if you looked for it. Understated and individual rather than the same crap you can get at Autocheap or 7-11
  11. Way ahead of you - already used the online booking for table of 8 +/-2 @6:30ish. Will call them for confirmation tomorrow.
  12. Turbo ghosted (or even cut out) would be my preference. Not a fan of brand badges on the rear windows.
  13. Well this sucks :( Looks as if the Mexican Restaurant I'd pinned all my hopes on for the cruise still hasn't reopened from their renovations started last year. Am still waiting for confirmation, but things aren't looking good. Rather than calling off the whole cruise/event (/sarcasm) would any of the local guys be able to put forward an alternative venue we should look at heading to for the Saturday night feed? Alternatively - would moving the Friday night BBQ to the Saturday night be preferred? We could all meet up at the pub down the road mentioned earlier in the thread for the Friday night dinner.
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