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Everything posted by Rab

  1. Couldn't get the tractor everywhere - had to collect some firewood by hand Beautiful country Son got his first stag last night I think he'll definitely be on more trips
  2. Now feel like lockdowns over
  3. Get a cat or frog or whatever predator that eats geckos Tractor Or beef
  4. Camp stew from the backstaps tonight
  5. Very nice princess Where's that?
  6. Just me in it this trip - few other vehicles coming though
  7. That's it Should be a pretty comfy base setup once plonked Less ghey than a caravan Will post a pic over the weekend of the bush home (if it makes it and doesn't break down getting there lol - 1st trip, a little nervous)
  8. Trent out of the shed for the first day since his nosejob last week Ready to live up to his name this weekend
  9. Yep. Not counting on anything til it happens though -
  10. A person found breaching the Public Health (COVID-19 Border Control) Order 2020 faces an $11,000 fine and six months in prison
  11. If it doesn't come back you know it's [racist comment]
  12. Waiting for the "ring of steel" to open up Nothing I really want to do locally that I'm now allowed to do yet
  13. They name it for me after the plate pic tried to get "ILK" but dick was already taken
  14. Probably still out retail shopping since midnight last night
  15. Not sure what model Disconnect the battery overnight Try hitting the "FM/AM" whatever button on the ICC
  16. Brisket rubbed and ready to go on the Q Should be ready in time for the GF Go cats
  17. Stupid holiday at the best of times - even more so this year
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