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About Far_Call

  • Birthday 01/01/1972

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  • Location
    Western Australia
  1. Happy Birthday Far_Call!

  2. Happy Birthday Far_Call!

  3. Happy Birthday Far_Call!

  4. Happy Birthday Far_Call!

  5. Happy Birthday Far_Call!

  6. Do you have Coventries in Sydney? They list the STD Ford BA 9F593 A for the XR6T and the upgraded injector as the 0280155968 its actually comes up on their screen when they lookup the STD part number. They stock both in Coventries Perth but the 968 is double the price of the STD squirt.
  7. I found a PDF fuelinjectors.pdf on the 280 155 968 Dual spray Long Body which seems to be popular. I think the STD one is a 280 156 123 Dual spray Long Body ?? No idea which one in the list is ugenes though. 3rd page down the bottom you will see them listed Cheers
  8. Interesting read pal. There was a post here I read the other day when they swaped injectors after bad Air Fuel and seemd to fix it. Maybe not related but interesting.
  9. ZMAN, Sorry about the post mate I just msn’d my mate Zman and posted a link to this post and he (after pissing himself laughing) informs me that ZMAN is not him …DOH! He has been trying to catch my ute for years and recently bought an XR6T, when I saw the post I presumed it was him or his brother Ross. Anyway disregard my previous ramblings and accept my apologies on a private joke between what I thought was another person.
  10. PS never trust the BUMOMETER as it can give you false sence of security when that boost cuts in...Take the bent 8, windows up, aircon on, Full tank of fuel, spare tyre, Tools in the back with radio on and in D for drive and enjoy and still wip your sorry ass You gota hit 240kmh by the time you go under the Wanaroo Rd bridge on the reid.. then we can play ball
  11. Zman, Was it too Hot for the Hair Dryer last night mate I warned you before about being 2 pots short hahahahhahaha You better start working on the Edit if you plan on catching my ute mate co's at 14.5 you have a long way to go Did Ross do a run in it ? if so what was his time as we all know he is a better driver hehehehe
  12. The Cooks Fairmont Ghia has the Fog/Driving lights and it was recalled to have them altered by Ford Due to the Laws in WA. I didn’t follow exactly what Ford did to get around the law but Now what happens is when you Turn left the Left Fog/Driving Light comes on and when turning right the Right Fog? Driving Light comes on… I gather this is so you can “See” around corners hahhahaha as they now point more outward and at night it does help a little. It may be a $100 fine in WA but at least Radar Detectors are Not Banned in WA…. Have you had your picture taken lately? Not I :o :o
  13. Hey mate, you should call the tow truck now. So in 6 months time when your Tornado is available, the towie will arrive just in time to cart your sorry ass back to the dealership............. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Its OK they have stocked up on GT's to cover my Ass just in case That is "IF" the F6 ever turns up 6 Months now and still not even on the production line Maybe a maloo is the go but the old ones couldnt keep up to my Ute now so the new one would want to be good.
  14. Dont go out driving in the F6 without a Mobile phone just incase you need a tow truck :lol:
  15. Simon aka GTP-330 043 3405 278 I Can recomend him highly
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