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  1. Yeah Cool Idea the winner should get a harrod stealth edit lol I've done a few for my car and other members their not too bad what do you think? http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/index.ph...cmd=si&img=2668 http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/index.ph...cmd=si&img=2669 http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/index.ph...cmd=si&img=2670
  2. Hey guys I have a stock T and wanted to get some more power out of it. I was thinking the cheapest and easiest way would be an edit (I was thinking a herrod stealth) with a bit of custom tunning Can you really feel the difference in power between stock and edited? is it much difference? I’ve herd fuel economy is better is this true? How much better? Now I know I’ll loose my warranty (does anyone know if anyone will do an extended warranty with the edit installed) And will my insurance rise cause I’m still pretty young and I’m thinking good old RACV wont really like me doing this cheers guys
  3. remyb


    I seem to have this problem also and at mu current service (90k) I mentioned for them to fix it. their colclusion was that it's happening cause the discs are too thin and I have to replace them at my cost (which im not happy about) I know its a problem the ba's suffer from and as a result it might have damaged my disc (which needs eplacing) should this kinda stuff be covered by warrenty or should I just shut up and pay the $400 to get the front changed??
  4. hey guys I'm after a cool bonnet scoop for my xr6 turbo does anyone have any ideas. I want something original and very xr6 turbo. The pic is something I saw which I thought was pretty cool. share your pics guys and places where to get it done cheers
  5. Let’s face it we’re all wondering it…. Who’s the best aussie muscle car?? I’ve always been a Expensive Daewoo man I must admit but since my new xr6t (bt1) I have to say I’m definitely loving it at the moment. And as we all know the T is fast but it is really fast enough to claim best aussie muscle car, or is monaro really the best of what we have to offer check out some vids here http://www.boostcruising.com/videos/main.php?startrecords=1 Lets T it up LOL
  6. Not really you can do the back ones in the opposite way like on the SUV's imo yeah but something diffrent for a T garantied you'll get a look
  7. hey guys a friend found this website which you can buy a kit from which modifies car doors into "lambo doors" scissor like doors upening upwards. I've herd that the kits can also suit the falcon check it out http://www.lambodoors.com looks pretty cool
  8. Yeah but there isn't too much regarding the Herrod stealth wondeing if it's any good (better than the capa anyway) than do u think
  9. Hi guys im looking at getting an edit for my car there is two that I'm thinking between the herrod stealth http://www.inetcentral.com.au/stealth/ and the capa one http://www.capa.com.au/xr6_stage1.htm they are both around the same price will I loose warrinty with both of these?? as the herrod one can be purchased throught some ford dealers (I think) what do you guys think diss out some advise cheers
  10. This is one of those burning questions... other ones include "What does GLi/SS/XT/MR/etc etc etc stand for...? well doesn't Gli stand for general line? anyway thanx guys
  11. This might sound like a bit of a stupid question but here goes, I have an xr6 turbo and was wondering what the XR actually stood for??? Cheers
  12. Alright here is another one of Alex's ute http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/index.ph...cmd=si&img=2670 it was a quick one but stil looks alright
  13. yeah sweet send me a couple of your hi res photo and I'll see what I can do xrsixturbo@gmail.com
  14. For some reason they have been shrunk on this site to 800x600 if you want the originals email me xrsixturbo@gmail.com ENJOY
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