I kinda get disappointed about the a/c performance after the car's been sitting a while and I do a warm start. I have the fan blowing always. And when it's a warm start, it's blowing air warmer than the exterior air. It feels like heat soak, and no, I haven't been flogging the car. OK, so number 1 problem is having a black 'leather' interior. That sucks up heat like a sponge. Second problem is the I6 and the B series airflow. Third problem is having a snail. Now, I don't know where the airflow for the interior comes from, but goddam, I could have poached an egg the other day. It was a coolish day, but the air coming to the interior was not just warm, but HOT! Don't even talk about what happens when it rains. Foggy windscreen. Turn A/c on, clear, exterior heat fogs, interior a/c cools. Windscreen wipers clear exterior fog. Interior goddam I'm freezing. Rinse and REPEAT STUPID! Does this affect the A/C? What A/C? Don't say this is a FG problem. My old man had a ZC Fairlane where you knew that the AC was isntant ice. Now I have the benefit of all the technology of 40 years later that can boil an egg instead of freezing it. Anyone with tips, much appreciated.