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  1. Very interested in some potential ZF 'tunes'. What warranty/guarantee does SCT/Herrods offer for any ZF trans that is 'tuned'.
  2. Yo, hypno, what do you think about bitcoin?
  3. OK. Anyone know if any of the forum sponsors provide this 'direct service'? ws
  4. Very sad - hope everyone and their families and friends are OK. ws
  5. Well, I had to dive off a pedestrian crossing, ie traffic lights - when a 4WD driver went thru a red light while yakking on his phone. I'm not talking about just missed a yellow. This was 30 seconds after the lights were red in a very open area. He wasn't texting just talking. I was kinda watching as he was coming, thinking he's going a bit quick. He's gonna stop. Surely he'll see the lights. No worries, he'll see the cross traffic, hope he doesn't hit someone. Gee, he's gonna see me. OH sh*t! I don't think he had a clue about anything except who was on the other end of that phone call. That really shook me up and changed my perspective.
  6. Yo If any1 has a stock 17 3000A in sydney area quote me
  7. http://ryda.com.au had the best prices for Dynamat when I was looking around. Didn't look at ebay or overseas, as I just wanted a legit store that was in Sydney. The stuff is heavy and postage will likely cost...
  8. Thieves..... Someone was leaving, and naively put a list of names on an envelope for donations for a gift, like is done at a lot of other places. $20 was put in to start with and it was passed on. You get it, make a donation (or not), cross your name off, and pass it on to someone else. After it being passed through everyone on the list, it comes back with about $7 in loose change. Man, I was gobsmacked. That is such a low act. Some people at that organisation certainly were "Determined to be different".
  9. Whatever happened to Cro plugging Michelin every time a tyre thread came up? And there's no Preceda listed on the Michelin Aussie site anymore?
  10. I got 0.5l/100km when coasting downhill. Dunno how you guys have such high mileage
  11. I kinda get disappointed about the a/c performance after the car's been sitting a while and I do a warm start. I have the fan blowing always. And when it's a warm start, it's blowing air warmer than the exterior air. It feels like heat soak, and no, I haven't been flogging the car. OK, so number 1 problem is having a black 'leather' interior. That sucks up heat like a sponge. Second problem is the I6 and the B series airflow. Third problem is having a snail. Now, I don't know where the airflow for the interior comes from, but goddam, I could have poached an egg the other day. It was a coolish day, but the air coming to the interior was not just warm, but HOT! Don't even talk about what happens when it rains. Foggy windscreen. Turn A/c on, clear, exterior heat fogs, interior a/c cools. Windscreen wipers clear exterior fog. Interior goddam I'm freezing. Rinse and REPEAT STUPID! Does this affect the A/C? What A/C? Don't say this is a FG problem. My old man had a ZC Fairlane where you knew that the AC was isntant ice. Now I have the benefit of all the technology of 40 years later that can boil an egg instead of freezing it. Anyone with tips, much appreciated.
  12. Go the Giz and ChillyBum in 2011!
  13. Mate, feel for you. I'm running 17s where I am, because I kept popping the tyres on the 18s. I just can't imagine what 19s or 20s would be like. The only thing for me would be to not to go out in the rain at all. That's when the pathetic attempts at repairing potholes would just get worse. Haven't had to replace a 17 tyre, though I have hit some freakin' deep potties since. Keep the buggers pumped up to ~40psi too.
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