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stubbietubbie last won the day on July 7 2016

stubbietubbie had the most liked content!


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    Filthy weeb

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  1. At least they'll have their immune system built up. Seen too many kids get really badly sick later on in life from basic things because their parents kept them in a hermetically sealed bubble early on. Edit: everything in moderation, though. Not saying they should play ooky mouth.
  2. Okay, another night, another literal piss-take. I honestly hate my review now. It's sloppy, erroneous, and pandering. I said I should've checked it three times; what I really meant was the famously misquoted but-still-relevant "write drunk, edit sober." F*ck, what a mess. lrn2write, me.
  3. OHHHH now I get it because both are places worth having a sh*t.
  4. I've said it before and I'll say it again: you haven't spent enough time in Tasmania if you haven't played bumper cars with the local wildlife.
  5. I always forget, you're here, working on the forum, for nothing. Sounds like my life.
  6. I thought you blokes were on holiday? WiFi is too good these days.
  7. Dem's fightin' words. Go banana yourself!
  8. That implies that his Honda is worth stealing! (VTEC just kicked me in the chest)
  9. Guys better go to Subway and have a eating race.
  10. Bonus points for saying "should have" instead of "should of."
  11. Pics of missus for compensation. Also winning 12th supp doesn't count, you know that.
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