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Quasi XR6T

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About Quasi XR6T

  • Birthday 13/01/1961

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Canberra, Australia
  • Interests
    Performance cars, sim racing, web radio, all things IT.

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  1. Happy Birthday Quasi XR6T!

  2. Happy Birthday Quasi XR6T!

  3. Happy Birthday Quasi XR6T!

  4. I'm thinking I might head out tonight, and take the XR6T instead of the GT, just for a change
  5. I said when the flyer was released I would post it, and here it is. Link for entry forms is: http://www.fpvxrclubact.com/capital-all-ford-day-2014/
  6. It was good to finally meet up with a couple of you (Bellato and XR50 Turbo).
  7. Anybody getting out tonight? I'm thinking I'll take the GT for a run to RJs, and maybe cruise through Braddon on my way home.
  8. I was meant to be taking part as a member of the FPV club, but as I said we have been told it is cancelled.
  9. I was, but got told this morning it's been cancelled.
  10. Some images from yesterday's little get together. https://www.facebook.com/quasis.carphotos/media_set?set=a.165159483691338.1073741852.100005918617940&type=1
  11. A heads up, for anyone in the ACT region that's interested. The 'Brodburger Muscle Car Meet' is a go for this Saturday (October 12). A collection of Australian and American muscle cars, street machines, and hot rods, will gather at Brodburger on the Kingston foreshore, next to the glassworks, from 12 noon. Bring your 'big boy's toy' or come out as a spectator, all welcome.
  12. The oval badges on a BA GT are FORD, but there is an FPV badge on the left of the bootlid and each front guard. I imagine the BA F6 is the same.
  13. I know the GT you mean, saw it in the city last week and took a couple of photos, but not me. Mine is a darker red (vixen) and has silver stripe kit where his are white.
  14. 52 and just bought my first FPV three weeks ago (2003 BA GT). Aren't marriage breakups great
  15. My bonnet bulge was a bit more expensive. It set me back more than fourteen grand.........but then again it's attached to the rest of the GT
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