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About F6_Tornado

  • Birthday 01/02/1958

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    In The Ute
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  1. Happy Birthday F6_Tornado!

  2. Happy Birthday F6_Tornado!

  3. Happy Birthday F6_Tornado!

  4. Happy Birthday F6_Tornado!

  5. Just change the oil to Castrol TransmaxZ and it will fix it. so simple really.
  6. Dump the Genuine oil and Change the filter>>>>> Then fill it with Castrol TransmaxZ and it will be a different beast!!!
  7. Genuine is OK for stock HP but don't even think about it if you have anything above STD or you do Track work.. The genuine Oil will cook in no time.
  8. Happy Birthday F6_Tornado!

  9. To be fair to all involved the vehicle may have had a terminal problem before being tuned…. From what I read all he paid for was a tune. Maybe the fuel filter was 75% blocked? Maybe the fuel pump can’t cope? Maybe it now has a few air leaks due to boost being a bit above what it was. Maybe it already had a crack in a piston land or body and its starting to now show….. so many possibilities so to be circling like Vultures is a bit harsh I think and I must agree with Tab. %$@&* knows why LOL I guess for $400 they are not about to service and go over the whole engine for you. (probably didnt even open the Bonnet) I can’t recall how many times I’ve said to a couple of tuners here in Perth “DO A COMPRESSION TEST BEFORE U TUNE” … I know one of my utes started to bread a bit… I hadn’t belted it in months so why? Dropped the slugs out only to find one cracked. God only knows when that occurred and it may have been slowly failing over 12 months. What if I had of slipped into a tuner and not noticed the breathing? Go out and belt it and BOOOOOOM!! Must have been the tuners fault I guess?????? In a way I was lucky as I had an external breather hence me noticing it. I’m not saying C&V don’t have some responsibility but for $400 doesn’t get you much now and I guess it’s the owner’s responsibility to present the car in good working and service condition. A million things could be wrong so at least be open minded as tab suggested.
  10. Ben needs more than a Hug SPIKO... He has turned a bit girlie since he bought the Gay Ricer.
  11. Well I guess this is the result of many incorrect Tunes and I hear about it more and more every day.. Seems many tuners have a fair idea but but there is only a handful who are really good at tuning the ZF. Quite a few guz on here have had HUGE problems and its taken a lot of my time to convince them its in the tune.. Eventually they get it tuned right and are amazed at the difference. Don't blame the Trans for Bad tuning.
  12. A bit unsure why you would do that but seeing you are and your trans is supposedly Screwed I will take it off your hands for you at a reasonable price. It would be worth me paying the freight to WA for me to just see whats wrong with it and ascertain how smart Ford are with their diagnosis.
  13. If It seized the pump it wont go anywhere let alone slip. Never seen one yet with the pump seized. Seen plenty cooked and plenty starved for oil due to blocked filter and they slip like crazy. Given to the right people I cant see it costing you much at all. Ford don't rebuild them so they will just say its screwed and put in a new one at your expense. If you were in WA I'd have a look at it for you but Sunny QLD is a long way from WA... Good luck.
  14. Actually this one blows very little smoke.. Lots of boost>>>> 70PSI some are crazy and smoke that bad there wont be a Mozzie for a 100 miles.
  15. Not even a Carton of beer from any of them :bangcomputer: Late next week looks like the go as I have so much to do here I need to be back ASAP. Namely one Kenworth Race Truck with some serious HP 10ltr CAT Diesel with some 1600~1800HP that needs to win the last round @ Barbagello to take out the title.
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