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    central coast NSW
  1. With shannons mate. And I told a fib, its actually $15000 agreed value. Still, im pretty happy with that.
  2. Just turned 30, bf2 xr6t with a whole host of declared mods. $1150 with agreed value at $16000.
  3. I've come over to the USA for work. Went to Wisconsin, -13°c. Sh*t! Got to Minnesota, -22°c, with windchill closer to -30°c. Holy fu*ken sh*teballs!!! Today its a balmy -9°c. Give me an aussie winter any day, I'd still be in thongs!
  4. Good stuff. Thanks for the tip mate. I'll get onto it this weekend.
  5. This morning driving to work I turned a corner and my lights cut for a second or two. It happened again and then I realised that every time I indicated my lights would cut in and out. A couple of times I had to turn them on and off to get them to kick back in again. If I pulled the indicator stalk even a mm back towards me, they'd flicker. I'm assuming its a loose connection or something in the stalk?? Any other ideas?
  6. Thanks for the tips boys. what work are you doing at the convention centre.I looked after people working around the rail on and off for 18 months there.<br />I'm doing the repair and replacement of all their staging.
  7. Hey fellas,<br />Flying down from nsw to adelaide on sunday for a weeks work at the convention centre. Staying just across the street on north terrace. Anybody recommend any where close by to get a good beer/feed? <br />I'm a SA virgin and Google doesn't compare to local knowledge so any tips are appreciated. <br /> Cheers, <br />Dan<br />
  8. Yeah mate it is. But I flew to New York for holidays in 2012 and it still wasn't fantastic. The mrs had no problems but I still couldn't get remotely comfortable. that's what ya get for being a tall fat bastard ;-)
  9. Have to go to the US for 2 weeks for work in March to visit our parent company's HQ. Was not looking forward to 16 hours in cattle class. (I'm all but 6' 4 and 115 kg, so not built to fit real well in small spaces). Just got told I have been bumped to business class! Stoked!
  10. Roger that K13th. Still not sure what we're talking 'bout though. I'm not the most tech savvy individual ;-)
  11. What's all this <br/> nonsense?<br /><br />Anybody???
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