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About spooltime

  • Birthday 17/04/1979

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Willetton , Perth , WA
  • Interests
    Turbo Utes and Motorcross Bikes
  1. Happy Birthday spooltime!

  2. Happy Birthday spooltime!

  3. Can the FG turbo ute owners out there tell me what there [ ave fuel consumption is please ? ] mines manual and has cold air and pod filter, but is chewin the juice when tools or dirt bike in the back. 13.3L per 100km im at rite now , With no tools in the back I reckon bout 12.3L per 100km this sound bout rite ?
  4. Has anyone tried to put 22" rims on a FG ute ? Will they fit or am I just dreaming ?
  5. Devostated that Ford Falcon the Aussie icon is no longer gonna be coming off the factory floor in 2016 ! I wish I had some spare coin and a big garage to save a piece of motoring history for my self.

  6. What size cat to get for the stock fg turbo exhaust ? any got one some do,s and don'ts in regard to getting the best cat for my ute and what to spend ? The fullcat and pipe section looks like it would bolt straight in and out with old $500 on ebay ... But just the cat by it self , the ones you get for a $200 obviously have to be welded in hey ? Is there a particular length and diameter that is gonna keep the job nice and simple maybe ? All advice appreciated
  7. Can anyone help with diff bounce , why ? , and how to stop it ? , took my ute down the quater mile it diff bounced bad and bent a set of axles doing it ! Is this a common problem for ford or just my ute ? All help appreciated.
  8. How going all, another newbie on board with a first post ! Jon from Perth WA just bought a FG XR6 turbo ute, 6 spd man, fact leather and fact 19"s, bout 6 weeks ago. Really happy with the ute all and all, kinda new what I was getting in to as owned a BA XR6 turbo ,4 spd auto before and loved it ! Just wanted to intro my self and get amongst the chit chat on here and hopefully get an education at same time. Photo coming soon.
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