The good old persuading tool. Just had to hit bracket to get it through. Left a nice gouge in edje of hole but just a gutter scratched spare anyway so who cares.
Thanks to everyone telling me it should fit I tried again and got it through, with a few good hits from a hammer. Dont like to force things which is why I gave up last time. At least hammer is always at hand to get it back out. Cheers everyone.
Might have another go but pretty sure its a waste of time. Ill take some pics when it wont go. Lucky the brembos work and look awesome with all the issues fitting them.
The hole on the standard steel spare is huge compared to the argent. Bracket fits through sideways but then cable on bracket wont allow it to pass through. Not even close. Thought about grinding, modifying bracket but dont want to risk it coming off at speed. Would be really bad!
Had to get a spare dark argent to fit over my new brembos but the bracket on the cable that holds the spare up under the ute ( fg) wont fit through the centre hole of the wheel so no go. I know fpv carries a full size spare so do they have a different winch set up or what ?
Geez. I wasnt aware the spelling police were watching. Ill try harder next time. Thanks for the feedback , at least ill have some anecdotal evidence to try at fraud. Hope I got that big word right. Bahahaha.
Totally agree with the 2 chances call but im going to argue that as they foolishly attached knob to shaft that shaft is now worn and needs replacing. Dont like my chances but a $600 part wearing out in 2 yrs is a joke.
The leather on my 6 sp manual gearnob is way loose and looks crap after 2 years. Ford want $580 for new one as knob is now joined to shaft and boot etc in one piece. Just wondering what my chances are for a new one under warrenty ?
found out today they wont fit. rotors will hit on inside, different to n/a terry apparently. could fit 330x32 rotors but not worth it I think to only gain 8mm in rotor size.
because ive found a complete set of t t brakes for a bargain and they must be like the old gt calipers , which I keep hearing are so good, and the bigger rotors the better to fill up my 20s.
terry brakes bolt straight onto fg but can anyone tell me if the turbo calipers and rotors also fit?These are 340 x 32 mm and seem like a good option before going to brembos.Apparently there may be an issue between 2 or 4 wheel drive models.