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    brisbane nth
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  1. Dont need to,the fan makes a racket when it comes on.ive got the same set up,mines mounted under the front passenger side seat bolted with brackets to the chassis rail. Edit .. just noticed where you have mounted yours so maybe you might want to. I put mine in that spot as its next to the box,shorter hoses and in the breeze.
  2. that's because kia/ hyundai poached euro designers from bmw,audi etc... the koreans cant and never have been able to design a decent looking car to save themselves.
  3. Yeah your both right,no more mirabeau according to their web site,might give mitch a ring though and see what he's got,my next choice are bathursts but they seem a bit plain on the front without a concave finish.
  4. Whats the offset of them there mirabeau's mate,I have tsw tremblants 20x8.5 & 20x10, looking for a change and dont mind these
  5. Whats the legality if you remove the spoiler and have no centre brakelight?
  6. I had a djr briefly on my fg,changed my mind and put original back on,just didnt do it for me.piss easy to mount though,the hardest bit was threading the brake light wire down the guts of the spoiler thru a little hole on the underside.make sure to put felt under it or it will rub on the paintwork.it bolts up to the existing bolt holes,covers them completely.lines up perfectly too at least mine did. The only real drama I had was getting it painted by 3 different painters because they couldn't match the bastard paint
  7. Bugger that driving around in gimp mode until you tune it. Put it all in your spare room,horde everything until you can do it all at once.
  8. What about oil age? Mines about 14mths old,but ive only done about 5000km.should be ok? Has the factory fill in it,magna crap. I change it at 7500k intervals so it might be a few mths more yet.I take it for a drive most weeks,mostly a run up the highway and back and some stop,start in traffic.couple of long drives a year. Arronm,im guessing pic no1?
  9. Mr hampster? Looks more like an obese gerbil to me
  10. My bad,which part? Edit: just noticed what I typed wrong sorry about that
  11. Yes,you only need the top half though but very few will sell just those bits. Fg 1yes ,no xr8 fg2,fgx not sure,different rad support. If you are just after more air then do what ive done with the holesaw mod,easy and effective along with a kn filter if you wish
  12. Which is exactly what ive done. 4" holesaw does the trick nicely and that's with 311kw atw.im of the opinion that aftermarket intakes (original location) make the engine bay look pretty and empty your pocket of a few hundred bucks and that's about it.turbo side would be my only intake mod if I wanted more direct air
  13. Why dont you just ring pingtune and ask them? They sell both brands from memory.
  14. Put glad wrap on your front end then trim it away around the grille,then put bra on.it sweats a little underneath but doesnt hurt anything,ive driven in torrential rain with it on and it stays dry underneath,but I take it off when I get home,not good to leave them on wet especially if out in the sun. The proper aussie car bra's are a tight fit which is what you want,the underfelt on them is good but I use the glad wrap for extra protection
  15. 37. Dilligaf. Do I look like I give a fuc.k
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