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Everything posted by BAXR6Chick

  1. Hay there just wondering if there is any other ford girls here?
  2. Yeah same I like the first times. But good on lowndes for the win yesterday, he is doing really well this year. But ambrose poor fella things just arent going his way.
  3. I took this photo on the way down to the coast. I thought it was cool Copy_of_Cap0067.BMP
  4. I was up at Q Ford the other day getting a service done, and they gave me this purple colour XR courtesy car. Not that dark purple it was like a light purple, sorry I can't remember the nam. But any way I said to david nice colour, and he replyed that ford were having trouble selling them. That's it menace. Sorry I just remembered.
  5. sh*t matey it sounds like you got a friday car. They had some problems in series one and were surposed to be fixed. I had some problems with mine but ford were happy to fix them.
  6. This is daisy, I know she isn't a turbo but she is a ford and that's the important part. I call her daisy cause when she sits out side every bug sits on her as if she was a flower.
  7. Nar to Expensive Daewoo for me. It looks like it's a cross betweent a ford and holden. Yuk
  8. It has been calculated that if everyone in australia did not purchase a drop of petrol for one day and all at the same time, the oil companies would choke on their stockpiles. At the same time it would hit the entire industry with a net loss over 4.6 billion dollars which affects the bottom lines of the oil companies.Therefore september 1st has been formally declared "stick it up their behind " day and the people of this nation should not buy a single drop of petrol that day.The only way this can be done is if you forward this e-mail to as many people as you can and as quickly as you can to get the word out. Waiting on the government to step in and control the prices is not going to happen. What happened to the reduction and control in prices that the arab nations promised two weeks ago? Remember one thing, not only is the price of petrol going up but at the same time airlines are forced to raise their prices, trucking companies are forced to raise their prices which effects prices on everything that is shipped. Things like food, clothing, building supplies medical supplies etc. Who pays in the end? We do! We can make a difference. If they don't get the message after one day, we will do it again and again. So do your part and spread the word. Forward this email to everyone you know. Mark your calendars and make september 1st a day that the citizens of australia "enough is enough"
  9. Cool I'll be in it. Is it olny for the turbos though. BAXR6Chick
  10. Yeah that sounds right. I got quoted $68450. And that was with a sunroof.
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