Never had this problem before, seemed perfect to me. Problem was he didn't open easy, just kinda went at it. Then, when the ring fell in (had the top part in his hand though), he tried to get it out with pliers. When pulling out, he snapped it again into 1/2. Thus, 1/4 of the part was in my block. Just sh*ts me that you pay for a service, and if something breaks upon their fault, it shouldn't be me paying for it. For example, (an asset is still an asset, hence my example); IF someone is doing some pipework to your house (plumber), and they accidently broke a few bricks, they would replace it at their cost. It's their fault. NOW, if a mechanic changes the oil for your brakes and by accident the caliper or something else falls off and it my fault and thus my expense? Where's the line that you cross where someone who is being paid to maintain or fix something, has an accident, and then your still liable? If this is the case, then performance mechanics should have pritty low insurance premiums if their is limited public liability and professional indemnity....