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Everything posted by GSP07R

  1. After reading your laws in SA I now understand that Bazza needs the XR6T because his works relates to driving a turbo car, he drives this drift car.
  2. Pages 1-17 Pages 1-17.pdf
  3. Now I have a Workshop Manual if any one needs anything I can help you.
  4. ^where do you get them shipped from?
  5. If any Mods can read this and make some sort of poll on where ppl lives or a maps of area. eg just have the major areas Liverpool Bankstown Parramatta and so on
  6. ^gsp07r (its a zero) g-string
  7. I'm in Greenfield Park (Fairfield Area) 5 min from Eastern Creek.
  8. Would love to come I will let you know closer to the date. Would be good to know some members.
  9. I have some leather that is starting to rip on the drivers seat, does anyone know a good place to get it fixed, I am in western syd (wetherill park)
  10. GSP07R

    IMG 0437

    From the album: GSP07R

  11. GSP07R


    From the album: GSP07R

  12. I got GSP07R (G SPOT R) just waiting on them to come in as I change the color to match my car, they were on another type of car not to be named as it had a lion badge.
  13. I found it before but have forgotten in which topic, could someone point me in the right direction. BA XR6T 04 MODEL, I think there was going to be a group buy as they were asking for $$$ for them.
  14. Detailed my car inside and cleaned my leather seats, was going to wash but rained theres always tomorrow.
  15. GSP07R

    New Members Thread

    Picked up my car today and love it already time for a visit to the RTA or whatever they are called now, to transfer the car then insurance. hope its a good day to detail it. pics to come
  16. GSP07R

    New Members Thread

    Hi Just got my 1st XR6 today pick it up on the weekend. After a long search of looking for a manual with leather interior which past all the checks (Full log books,PPSR and insecption by MTA) Its a blue 2004 BA XR6 turbo. Cant wait.
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