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About fatz_f6_typhoon

  • Birthday 13/11/1982

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    2145 nsw
  • Interests
    cars........fast ones.....

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  1. Hey guys ,how do I change the fuel filter on fg ute 2010. The KISS way if you please lol


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  2. Ether way with issues still a Good time! Good stuff
  3. Yup yup it will I changed over my rotors and pads today And flushed out the old fluid The brakes are completly different now
  4. Lol I dunno all I know is they don't make em for the rears with the 328mm brake set up because of the pad shape But they will be by the end of the year since now they are common rear brake so I just got some cheap pads for the back until they come in stock
  5. Hey all just a heads up spoke to Gavin yesterday and ordered some front pads for my car Now he said the rears ( pbr 328mm ) are in the pipelines for production for the end of this year And will most likely email out to everyone that has ordered off them when they will be available So let the waiting begin
  6. Don't waste your time and money dude keep saving and take it to joe at CMS You won't be disappointed
  7. Good stuff joe next time come and say hello to the boys at cms lol nice skid by the way hahaha
  8. Mm stock bkr6e ones regaped down a lil work mint in mine and there only $4 each
  9. Haha nah just got bord with the 350 tune and nah I can't make it as I work night shift Due for a catch up with everyone though
  10. A bit of an update .... Surge tank + 044 ID1000 injectors Wastegate n flapper mod Retuned on eflex e70 389rwkw at 19psi Werry much fun !
  11. Was very close mate I thaught u had it on that 11.0 run
  12. Haha can hook you up to my Marky mate lol
  13. Dam that's good Steve mite get me some nittos now... Thought they didn't last that long??
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