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About Chemarrie

  • Birthday 20/12/1989

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  1. Happy Birthday Chemarrie!

  2. Happy Birthday Chemarrie!

  3. Happy Birthday Chemarrie!

  4. Yeh they are being scabby because they are trying to sell the house for property development so they want to smash it down in about 4months and Dont want to pay for any repairs. The gas water heater is for outside as it cleary states a warning yet its inside my laundry putting gas fumes threw the whole house fml
  5. Hate that I have not had any hot water for over a week... Now have to wait for the guy to make a quote tomorrow than get landlords approval...
  6. Ow well mine is dark pink/ purple haha custom lol
  7. I just photoshopped my car pink lol who needs a new car when we can pretend :girlwacko:
  8. lol I nearly had a heart attack when ABS lights came on the other week lol
  9. If the engine blows up it wont actually blow the car up will it lol sorry for the silly question just never had a car blow up.
  10. True either way I have to take it anyway because my idle isnt fixed. I did set it back to stock ford settings to see the difference and all I could pick up on was the revs in stock idle was lower and driving felt a little different.
  11. So I did the capa tuner was very simple car didnt blow up. I set it to custom 10psi. I think it feels more powerful but have not had a good run yet. Did not fix idle problem.
  12. Yeh not sure if it has tunes as im not familiar at all with these capa tuner things as I brought my car with it and was told to get it done but people tell me its easy to do I read the instructions a while back and looks simple so I will give it a go lol whats the worst that could happen lol.
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