SupeRoo. This is something i totally agree with you. One of the major reasons of me going with an XR6 Turbo was the cost of insurance. Ive always wanted a turbo car and the insurance i felt was "reasonable" for this kind of car. From actions such as above, i really see insurance companies saying enough is enough such as WRX owners and charging through the roof just to have one. This sadly would cause me to have to sell my car because of some idiots on the road. I cant afford just around Christmas time to spend whatever the price may be ie $5500 (WRX insurance for myself) just to have a Turbo XR6T. At the moment $2100 compared to alot of other forum members is still pretty high. But I can manage that. Everyone seriously think about what your doing before taking on someone or driving wrecklessly, it may not only impact yourself as in personal injury or injury to someone else, but can cause serious issues for other drivers on the road as in insurance premiums going up.