They are white lights and do not look blue only the actual tip of the globe has a blue coating. The company phillips who also designed the globes in the xr6 turbo, rate these at 8% brighter. So i think you may be refering to some other sort of globe. Even a quick phone call tonight to a friend at FOMOCO proves that these are a better globe and were not included in the overall cost of the xr6 turbo due to pricing.. Most new BMW's, Lexus's and Mercs use the same "White Light" Globes. A friend of mine who drives a SL55 AMG has the same globes in his car, exactly the same. (as i pulled apart his front headlight to have a look) Yes I know its a $300,000 car but still Please dont talk about manners, or the like when you we are talking about two different products. The globes are not the "ricer" blue or purple you are thinking about.