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Everything posted by CJF077

  1. CJF077


    what damage to the engine by using ULP is possible?
  2. To tell the truth i quite like the design of the 17's over the 18's.. i think they look pretty damn good.
  3. CJF077

    Mp3 Player

    nmitch can you download music to it in 192kbps? or does it always have to be 128kbps?
  4. CJF077

    Ba Seats

    I had that junction box replaced.. and it broke again.. Ford has confirmed that their is an issue with the box.. and have issued a technical bulletin on it.. the screw is the only way to fix it.
  5. very nice mate Post some larger ones if you get the chance..
  6. Well today is 41 degrees here in Sydney.. just went for a drive to my local car wash place to get the guys to detail it.. and guess what.. i noticed turbo lag big time.. Power seemed to be affected alot.. was very interesting to notice it, after not noticing it before..
  7. true didnt think of that.. only have 1 point :(
  8. CJF077


    That was my concern Mondie if i drove the car to say Melbourne that I wouldnt be able to fill up on ULP. Have you noticed any difference at all?
  9. Whats the cost of the momo and the sports wheeel?
  10. I believe this was the member "Race Rubber"
  11. CJF077


    Hi Len, I think most of us on the forum havent tried normal unleaded fuel. The manual that came with the car says Premium Unleaded only. Im not game enough to put normal unleaded through the car in case of any problems. Not sure if anyone else has put it yet?
  12. CJF077

    Signs Of Wear

    Isnt that what your supposed to be thinking about? :lol:
  13. Im in depending on when and times..
  14. Very Very Nice Mate.. Congratulations.. Love the Pics, Love the Colour!
  15. The Post can be found here.. Search and ye will find.. http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/index.ph...ct=ST&f=3&t=112
  16. CJF077

    Ba Seats

    It will come loose. You need to get your dealer to fix it. They put a screw to hold it in place.. its a fault with the BA.
  17. Nice work with the translation
  18. PICS PICS PICS!! :D I bet the wait for it is going to be a nightmare!
  19. CJF077

    Ba Seats

    Something to bring up in my service too. I noticed it yesterday sitting in the back seat (yes of my own car) The screw had come out and was half way out.. tried to screw it back in but it seems the surrounding around the screw has broken.
  20. I totally agree with bdennis. I have been told by City Ford that if you dont have a SIDO basically a car hasnt been assigned to you.. thats the bottom line. It sounds as if your dealer is stuffing you around :(
  21. The only cleaning up he will be doing is on the road against other cars :D
  22. I have noticed its a bit flexible.. ahh well..
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