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Everything posted by CJF077

  1. Sounds like its deleting your cookies for protection... Is the second login when you click on a photo? if so please try this post : >> Photo Gallery Login Issue
  2. CJF077

    Ap Racing Brakes

    The images of MS700 brakes can be found here: >> Image One >> Image Two >> Image Three
  3. CJF077

    Ap Racing Brakes

    Let me know what help you need for the linkages.. cant wait to see the pics!
  4. CJF077

    User Names

    Mine is my initials and year of birth
  5. I thought it was close to $2,000.. not too sure.. as for the GT stripes.. i somehow dont think so... Ford are really strict as to what you can buy and obtain for your car if its meant for a particular model..especially with the new BA's.
  6. The auto is good... easy and smooth
  7. Yes you can get the XR8 bonnet for the XR6T. You can also get a modified XR6 bonnet from Dyno Steve. Msg him online for more info.
  8. Awesome stuff mate, im getting attached to blood orange, very nice!
  9. I always give the thumbsup or the wave... sometimes even a flash of the lights... most respond.. i guess the people who use them as a company car dont normally respond..but what can you do! Just give them another
  10. Awesome pics mate I think im going blood orange in my next upgrade!
  11. I feel some of the comments on this thread have gone way too far and are becoming way too personal. Some of the comments above are breaking our forum rules. "Disrespect towards other Members intentionally" I understand people have their own views on police and other members of our community. But please dont make it personal. Try and keep the forum fun and not some slagging match If it continues the warning system will come into action, and members will be banned from the site.
  12. You know you want it! http://www.takakaira.com/accessories/night...nightpager.html
  13. Not sure off hand.. try emailing them capa@riverland.net.au
  14. Since we now have over 2000 members it would be great for us to get an understanding of where everyone is coming from. Please let us know what state you are in, so that we can better our cruises and events in your area!
  15. I want to personally thank Rob Herrod for helping out a really nice and sincere member.. Please support Herrod Motorsports anyway you can!
  16. CJF077

    Online Chat

    I think we will go with the flow and order it.. we will evaluate the use of it over the next 12 months.. Will let you know the outcome!
  17. Junior, I have my old full exhaust.. Ill be able to work something out with you mate.. drop me an email at work. Cheers Chris
  18. I have lost traction many times by turning off the traction control..
  19. I think that's a bad idea ... there should be no pressure at all to donate. Donations should come as a genuine gesture without any influence or competition. 2.2c I totally agree with you Ken. All funds donated goes towards improving and bettering the site, new merchandise, hosting costs and addons to the site. Any help is greatly appreciated
  20. CJF077

    Fpv Xr6 Turbo 316kw

    I was drooling when I read the topic! :( Alas its not the FPV Car!
  21. DynoSteve has a shaker on his XR6 Turbo.. looked pretty good!
  22. CJF077

    Aps Phase 4

    I think the Phase IV kit looks very professional and is a great design. Is the 315KW at the wheels from the Phase IV? As David was saying other modifications such as brakes etc should be looked at on top of the Phase IV kit for safety issues. Is this needed and recommended for this kit?
  23. Dont forget you guys can win a Road Angel worth $995 by entering the competition. For those who may have missed it >> Road Angel Competition
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