Hey just bought a 2004 BA MK2 XR6 turbo the other day, in reasonable condition, etc. Never owned or driven one (before I testdrove some) and I gotta say, I much prefer it over the Expensive Daewoo SS. Ill get to the point of my post hah, some clunks are happening in the drivetrain such as when changing gears sometimes it will give us a clunk but more noticeably when you decelerate sometimes you get this clunk from the back (and I suck at describing things) but basically I described it to a friend and he mentioned it would be the rear diff bushes that cause that. It was far smoother during the testdrive in which I gave it a bootful. With the gearbox, if I have got a clunk in that as well, what am I looking at in terms of a repair bill, or maybe more specifically what would need to be done? Engaging drive gear is alright but going into reverse gear you can go make yourself a f*cking cup of tea before it engages sometimes. The car runs alright, I was expecting it to be easier to smoke the back tyres from a standstill but maybe I just need to learn what I'm doing with that sorta thing first, already had it sideways nicely though so I'm happy and the performance is good, it defiantly gets to 100km/h around factory spec and pulls hard like no other car when I go up a big hill. Completely stock standard too, no evidence that it has been modified at all, however gasket cement sorta oozing out abit (dry of course) from the red top of the motor (cylinder head cover?) tells me it might be possible that at least the top end has been looked at/modified. Cheers, John.