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Turbo Dreamer

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About Turbo Dreamer

  • Birthday 06/06/1981

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  • Interests
    Car Audio. Sleeping. Dreaming.
  1. Happy Birthday Turbo Dreamer!

  2. Happy Birthday Turbo Dreamer!

  3. Happy Birthday Turbo Dreamer!

  4. I just bought these tyres. What psi do people recommend running these at?. Currently I have mine at 40 psi. Is that too high? The wheels are XR6. Thx, TD. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  5. Hi guys, just wanted to thank you all for the help. Car handles much better than the 215 60 R16 steel wheels. Noise and harshness doesn't seem to have increased too much over the standard setup. Steering wheel has a more meaty feel to it as well. It's no FPV or XR6 but here is a pic that might help other Wagon owners see what FG wheels look like on their car. These wheels can be bought cheap on eBay and Gumtree, have a look out.
  6. Cheers guys, the help and knowledge has been amazing. Made a booking with Ali at Taleb Tyres. He sorted me out for everything; balancing, alignment, 16 chrome wheel nuts and 4 lock nuts. All done and fitted. Reasonably priced to boot. My car is no FPV but I will update the pics when I get the wheels installed. People may want to see what a BF Wagon looks like with FG XR6 wheels and fat tyres. Sweetness. TD.
  7. I don't know who Henz is but no strangers nuts are going near my FG wheels. No sir. Yea, thought so regarding Kmart autos pricing, nearly spat out my stomach. Will call the above mentioned tyre places tomm. TD. Sent from my Steve Jobs.
  8. Funny quote I got today from Kmart Auto. $20 for wheel balance each wheel so $80 and $69 for alignment. $149, lord have mercy. Is this normal pricing? Would be good to know where folks go in Sydney metro for a balance and alignment.
  9. Cheers guys. Much appreciated. If someone finds a good set of nuts for the FG 17" wheels going to the BF Falcon Wagon, wouldn't mind a message or link to see what my options are with brands, genuine, after market, etc. I will hit eBay today to see what nuts I can find that are decent and also cost effective, I will also call a few shops / wreckers on Monday, see what the damage is on 16 standard wheel nuts and 4 lock nuts. Will update with fresh pics once it is all done sometime this week. Thanks again guys, Keith.
  10. Cheers guys. Big help, especially so late in the evening. Regarding wheel nuts and/or lock nuts....do people get all the 20 x nuts as lock nuts or 16 standard wheel nuts and 4 lock nuts. So per wheel, 4 standard nuts and 1 lock nut? Or is it 5 lock nuts per wheel? Security is important but wallet getting lighter is also scary. Cheers, TB.
  11. Thanks bud. Reason I ask is, if they have to remove the wheels for balancing anyway, should I just take the FG wheels with tyres in the boot and let them balance them first and then fit to the car? Yea, I might have to grab new nuts. That itself is difficult, wheels are FG model, car is BF model. Just did a search on eBay and freaked out at the different versions, sizes, threads of locknuts. Buggery. Hopefully someone can chime in.
  12. Hi guys, Long time lurker, first time poster. Have a wheel swap question of different size widths. I have a bog standard BF Falcon Wagon 2006 on 215 60 R16 ugly steel wheels with even uglier hub caps. I bought FG Falcon 17" Wheels with Dunlop SP 245 45 R17 tyres from Gumtree on the cheap. (Good deal at $400!) 85 % tread, no obvious scraps on wheels. Cleaned up real nice. 1. As the FG Falcon 17" tyres and wheels I bought are 2nd hand, excellent near new condition but still 2nd hand and much wider then the current 215 60 R16 steel wheels, should I do a wheel balance on all of them BEFORE fitting them to the car or should I fit it to the car and then take it to a shop for a balance? I don't want to damage the tyres. I was going to fit the FG wheels on the car myself and then drive the car to Kmart Auto for wheel balance and alignment but better to ask the guru's first. 2. I didn't get any nuts with the wheels, will the standard nuts on the current steel wheels be ok on the new FG alloys or should I get new nuts? Sorry if my question is extremely newbish, first time alloy wheel buyer. Thanks, Turbo Dreamer.
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