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  1. Factory tune in closed and open loop are mainly focused on emissions and not economy
  2. Scope the crank and cam sensor then you will see
  3. Try open loop boost control in the top end of control
  4. The fg f6 has Mahle pistons in them stock looks like hypertectic not sure what the xr6 has
  5. Pw all the way no if buts or maby,s intake temp logging on the Dyno dosnt lie
  6. Here's a pic red/green-12v,black is earth,brown is headlight dim circuit and all works perfect
  7. Hey turbotrana I know your not a begginer and I hope it goes well,But I wouldn't dream of doing what You did,just by simply having the nut on in a differant position can throw off the balance and that's amplified at 115,000rpm,balancing is the only way to go,I would hate hear that something disintegrated due to a simple balance
  8. F6Fury

    Zf Fluid

    here's a a pic of the latest drum
  9. F6Fury

    Zf Fluid

    Today I spoke to a tech advisor from gulf western and asked about the syntrans,He told me that it has been developed specifically for the zf trans and it is actually approved by zf themselves so there you have it..
  10. Lots of people bag lots of products in the automotive industry it's normal but a sad practice,if old mate can't name the shop then he's probably talking sh*t,I got the 1st pwr cooler on my f6 and it's working perfectly,Pwr are not back yarders,the same/similar cores are used as engine oil coolers in 50k race engines with no probs so unless old mate can name and shame don't post unless you have FACTS
  11. New scan tool in,il post up some data logging vids soon
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