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  1. correct but I have to do this every time the car starts if anyone has success with a reflash let us know and how much thx
  2. hi all just got my car and have issues with the blue tooth , had no issues in my old mk1 fg when you first attach the phone it is fine , but after the ingition is turned off and back on it connects for a second and then disconnects you either have to turn bluetooth off and back on and select reconnect in the icc or sometimes delete the phone and re pair it again for it to work then it works perfectly again until you turn the car off how much for a flash/update from ford and is it likely to help or is there anything I can do ? thanks heaps!
  3. this pic was taken deep , deep into the outback..... suburbs of perth
  4. tvsky

    New Members Thread

    previous owners harley davidson badge ..... I think was not a big fan before but the orange is really growing me!
  5. tvsky

    New Members Thread

    yay! I good at internetz
  6. tvsky

    New Members Thread

    hi all 1st post! just picked up a 2012 orange fg mkII turbo stock clean and 30,000km on the clock love it! previously have a bf2 turbo and fg xr6 the bf turbo was good , the fg is on another level would love to post a pic , cant figure out how to upload it to the gallery or an attachment though!
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