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  1. MMmmm. So thanks guys for the input. Opted out on the tray back one and ended up getting another one a whole lot cheaper. But........ it needs some work. So even if I have to drop another motor in Im not that fussed. So pretty happy with the purchase.
  2. Thanks mate. So it is the traction control light that is on ?mmm its and auto too. Do ya reckon its worth 11K ? Has road worthy and all. Probably needs new rear tyres soon.
  3. Gday guys, First post and have been looking at an XR6T 2003 Ute for sale. 180k Has been a repairable write off & is now a Trayback ute. Have one question. On the bottom RHS there is a continuous warning light that stays on. Looks like a little turbo or similar ? Owner reckons it the traction control light. He says that you can get Ford to just turn the traction control back on with their software. I am not so sure. Ute seems to go fine with no obvious issues other than a slight bit of rust on the bulk head of the tray. What is the concensus here ?
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