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Everything posted by duncey1

  1. How did you go about the install in your fg ute ford freak??? DIY or had done by a tuner? And do you know of any good tuners in Qld possible around Brisbane or Gold Coast.
  2. Hi all just wondering where I should take my FG Turbo ute for a tune in brisbane. looking for a tuner with a good reputation. Thanks
  3. Hi all, my car is a 2010 Fg 6T ute Ill be tuning my car soon just chasing around 300rwkw Upgrades will be -Hi flow cat -60 or 80lb Siemens Deka injectors -SS inductions CAI - Process West Piping kit Need to know wether or not I need the Process west surge and 044 (as its $1100) or if I can upgrade the intank pump to a walbro 255LPH (compared to $250) and still run the car safely with the occasional squirt. Fuel type 95-98 BP Premium Cheers, Daniel
  4. Hi all have been quoted from rapid systems for my FG Ute Hes told me to go for the 80lb injectors which are straight swap plug and play with no spacers required like the 60lb. has anybody installed the 80lb dekas and is it worth it. Are there any positives/negatives? and will it impact on my tune (harder for the tuner, easier etc). Really happy with the service from rapid and will definetly be buying through him however would just like some further opinions from others who have done this. Thanks all
  5. Have you guys had any problems in regards to camber on the tyres or tailshaft problems? or is this just a standard lowering and doesnt affect neither? KFFL-40SSL
  6. Hi all Thinking about lowering my new xr50th Turbo ute just wanting some ideas and what type of springs also a rough estimate on price to do fron and rear. I dont want the tyres tucking but would like the height sitting just higher then the tyre on the front and rear (car level) Was thinking SSL front kings Also whats the best way to lower the rear, reset the leafs??? Will there be any problems doing a slight lowering??? How much would I be looking at for the set up. not wanting coilover as I would prefer to spend the money on engine mods. Any help would be muchly apprecieted as im new to the 6T and want it looking immaculate.
  7. And how do you go about getting the Twin tips for that system? is it an extra cost and does it sounds good? no drone etc
  8. Can anyone please give me a rough idea on what im looking at price wise for a -4'' dump 2.5'' back with twin tips in SS or - 4'' dump 3.5'' back with twin tips in SS Or what is reccommended. Both Xforce as this is the cheapest???? (correct me if wrong). Just after a nice exhaust without spending huge $$ just after the exhaust which wil help me push 300rwkw+ Thanks.
  9. Hi everyone, I am new to the ford scene and am wondeing what possibly is needed for my first tune. I have spoken to a few performance places in regards to tunes. I have a 4'' dump with a 3.5' back xforce stainless system I have just finshed and was recommended to get a tune. I also have an SS grolwer CAI kit. Obviously the xcal 3 is a definate and a tune but some places have suggested an intercooler piping upgrade from the plastic, 60lb injectors and some even going as far as saying I need a new fuel pump and surge tank aswell. Is all this really needed for the fg's or are they pretty good to keep standard safely so ill be free of problems and what sort of RWKW would I be looking at. If anyone could let me know exactly what I would need just to hear it from somebody who has done it to there car would be great. Im not sure weather or just these places are just trying to sell me something that's not 100% neccesary based on the mods I currently have. Thanks
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