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Everything posted by Michael.S

  1. Anyone know how the kits will go in FGII projectors ?
  2. I know exactly what you mean, I have to restrain myself from using unnecessary products - I would love a good leather conditioner just to feel like I am doing something good for my car, regardless of how pointless it may be. If you like a dust repellant, matte finish of plastics I've become a recent convert from Einszett Cockpit Premium to Sonax dashboard cleaner - awesome stuff. The scuff is only small, I took half a dozen pictures with the iphone and it didn't show up in any - but it's like any other minor imperfection, nobody else will ever notice but I know it's there and it bothers me. There seem to be a few kits around, might just buy one and hope for the best.
  3. Thanks for clearing that up and your explanation ! I'm a bit obsessed with trying detailing products but gave up on the leather stuff a while ago and been happy using a slightly damp "microfiber sponge". I think the last product I used was the one you were referring to that bash all the other ( Bowden's? ) it wasn't bad but just seemed like more work and money for a result that I didn't think was as good as the damp microfiber (regardless of how little product I used or how hard I tried to buff off it looked a touch streaky) I have a scuff in the "leather", not deep likely from a passengers keys hanging out their pocket, any opinion on the best kits or methods to fix it ?
  4. I was under the impression that virtually all "leather" these days in modestly priced cars was polyurethane coated leather, pretty much making leather cleaners and conditioners useless ,is that incorrect ?
  5. What sort of gains are to be had from Chevy badges ?
  6. That's what I was thinking Colour is beautiful + adds to it's "sleeper value". no offence to your photography skills but they look in even better in the flesh.
  7. Must be my evil twin, I'm a black G6ET with MB8888. My 1st post so.... Hi
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