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Everything posted by ms700

  1. I saw you cruising around yesterday falchoon, jeez your car was nice and clean! looked really good as you drove along!
  2. all of my cars that I have modified have been engineered. Very expensive exercise, but very worth it. My XR6T will be no different. I have already spoken to my engineer about my wheels, brakes, pedals and steering wheel (yes, the GT wheel was not a factory fit) and I have also told my insurer about my mods too. but I havent modded my motor yet, so emmisions havent changed. And I think that's the big problem here.
  3. 2 or 3 grand? Ive just spend 6! On the front end only! Im my opinion there is no such thing as overkill in the braking department. The standard brakes are crap, just go for a wander over to the shuddering thread to confirm this. Brakes first for me, im leaving the suspension for a while, XR8 air cleaner is nearly ready. I dont want to chip it yet as mine is still too young.
  4. think of the insurance.... mine is bad enough as it is, let alone a FPV badge on the rump! Id like to trade up, I nearly did on a GT, but the price of insurance made me think twice.......
  5. dynosteve are you putting your chariot on the rollers? I wouldnt miss that for the world....... might go up anyway........ ill take some oil with me for the gen III commie :lol:
  6. its farecla, not freckler! beware though, this stuff is best used with a electric buffer, which may add swirl marks, which look absolutely terrible under certain light and with certain colours of paint. Swirl marks that were put there by a electric buffer can be a real b**ch to remove.
  7. I think this has been covered before. unless youre lucky, its off to the dealer you go......... I think rainy had the same problem once before.
  8. My AP Racing brakes are going on in 1 weeks time, will post plenty of photos then! give your adsl a workout hehe
  9. couldnt have said it better myself. nothing more frustrating than deciding what to do after a full wax; go for a cruise and get it dirty again or jam the car covers on it? BTW, I accidentally rubbed my mudflaps with my applicator, now they have white wax marks on them! Looks terrible! Any ideas on how to remove the wax? Maybe that meguiars rubber cleaner stuff?
  10. ms700

    Look What I Saw

    Is that a AU T3 rear wing?
  11. Beat XR6Ts! :lol: careful now.......
  12. Utes are supposed to come with two. Well..... we give all ute owners two remotes regardless of how many ford give out. Maybe everyone else is cost cutting........
  13. when you pick your car up, ask the salesman to see if it will. you will have to have all 3 remotes present. not sure if it will work, but there's only one way to find out!!! from memory, new ba sedan remotes will cost you around 50 to 60 clams. could be wrong with the price, im sure someone will say if I am! im not at work at the moment, so I dont know exactly.
  14. I was there, but I didnt take my chariot along, I went in the work bus instead. I was the one hanging sh!t on all the Expensive Daewoo supporters! I saw one bloke burn his HSV shirt, and I saw another doing "something" with his HRT shirt in the toilets after the race.....
  15. depends on what you want I guess. you could always go aftermarket computer; I converted my cleveland over to injection by using a active manifold and a haltech computer. nothings impossible. money will be your major hurdle!!!
  16. theres a fix for the squeaky brake pedal trumpy, I saw the ford tecnical bulletin yesterday!
  17. ms700

    B A G T For Auction

    bear in mind this thing is a GT with only 200klm's on clock, so it would be worth at least $50'000. panel beaters will fix cars if they can!! it will not be repaired if the price of repairing it exceeds the market value or something like that....... so id say there would have to be a bit of damage underneath it....
  18. yeah, I really miss the "view new posts" link as well otherwise it looks fantastic!
  19. I use a kenco cover after I have polished it only. I have found that the kenco covers get dirty very easily and you have to be careful. I also use a Aunger Xtrashield (I think) on top, mine is kept in a carport as well. there are absolutely NO scratches on my car caused by this car cover. The Aunger one is waterproof, but condensation does build up underneath it, so let it air off regulary. hope this helps.....
  20. ill second that request!
  21. ms700

    Coolant Leak

    the o ring problem on the water pump is as common as assholes on any au - ba falcon unfortunately. its not a big job, just a pain. Virtually every AU that comes through we put a new O ring on........
  22. In a glass or straight from the bottle seems a wiser choice but each to their own..... LOL :lol:
  23. all of my auto fords do it.... xf, ea, au and now the turbo. I call it the "taxi whine" cause all the taxi's do it too!! he he I much rather the wine in my boot anyway.....
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