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Everything posted by ms700

  1. Well, the last cruise/bbq that Falchoon organised, we ended up at the Cotter, I thought that was a good location. Plenty of space to leave the cars, and nice and close so we can keep a eye on them. Black Mountain Peninsula would be the same id say, its a good spot too. The good thing about the Cotter is if one particular BBQ spot is full, you just cruise round the corner and find another spot, and if that's full just keep on cruising around, you will eventually find somewhere that's is free. My 1.8c worth. Cheers! Mick.
  2. :lol: :lol: good stuff!!! :lol: :lol:
  3. I'll be there! I may even bring my turbo along...... :lol:
  4. Im in! Isnt the Melb cruise to the factory in October cro? Or have I got it confused with another melbourne cruise?
  5. Come up and see me at Mitchell KittyKat, ill look after you.... real good..... :lol:
  6. ms700

    Funeral Song

    oh mickey youre so fine, youre so fine you blow my mind hey MICKEY! HEY MICKEY! Great song that! :lol: Cheers Mick!
  7. ms700

    Premium Brakes.

    I have put 6 spot AP Racing calipers and rotors on the front of mine, and are now in the proces of doing the rear. I spoke to my local service adviser, my insurance company, and FoMoCo in relation to my mods and warranty. This is what Service, and FoMoCo said: "You will void warranty on your existing rotors, callipers, lines etc that has been removed from your car when you changes over to the AP gear. You will NOT void warranty on the rest of your car" And my insurance company also said: "Because you have improved the stopping ability of the motor vehicle, as long as the modification is legal, we will still insure you" There is no way I would have spent all that coin on the front end of my car without doing my research first. Hope this helps.
  8. Pfffft, if he's that strange, and wants to lower himself and buy a holden, let him buy it, us Turbo owners need somebody to overtake!!!! My motto: Holden = left lane Ford = right lane! :lol:
  9. ms700

    She's Back

    great stuff! reminded me of a story not that long ago... my mate had his RSV Aprillia knocked off from his house in Duffy in the ACT, found it perfectly parked under a tree near Lake Burley Griffin!!!! not a mark on it. Lucky.....
  10. Washed by chariot today completely using collected rainwater and the Karcher, she looks beautiful. I nearly PM'd Kitty to see if she wanted to come round and help out..... :lol:
  11. I soooo want a bouncing cartoon character....... :lol:
  12. Here's some shots, they arent the best, im not a photographer remember!!!
  13. How much coin? All four corners or just the fronts? Dont forget to post pictures when done! Good stuff.
  14. Sorry, with all this talk about HgAg owners neading cardigans and being slow or whatever, what colour is DynoSteve's car again? What was that? HgAg? thought so......... :lol:
  15. ms700

    Ripped Off!

    It amazes me how Ford price their P & A sometimes. Front Lower Grille GT - GTP = $500 roughly. Front pads for Brembo equipped T series = $1000 roughly. I heard the new Porsche Cayenne wheels weigh in at about 16k as well... some things are cheap, some are dear. You get that! If you dont want them, dont buy them! :lol:
  16. I'll be over shortly Ken.. :lol:
  17. This is what my service manager told me: If you affect the way the air enters the motor (like I did when I put my XR8 assembly on), or the way the air leaves the motor, warranty will not be honoured. But he also said it has a lot to do with the attitude of the car owner. Obviously there will be different stories all over the country, but that is what mine said.......
  18. Talking about fuels, why is avgas illegal to use on the street, but light aircraft can still fly around using it? I am quite willing to pay the extra bit to use avgas in my s/c XC, but not when its illegal!
  19. Do what I do! Store rainwater in a tub and use a Karcher! The Karcher can draw water out of a tub, it isnt quite as good as using mains pressure, but its better than driving to Carlovers and getting the car all dirty on the way home! Considering we will be in Stage 3 for a fair while id say, a Karcher seems a cheap way to go...... and legal too.
  20. What about beer? that's damn high on my priority list! :lol:
  21. I dont think the driver is allowed to be distracted by any sort of DVD/TV screen while the car is in motion, I have a Clarion TV in my XC, it is wired through the handbrake, doesnt work unless the handbrake light is on. Not sure how the factory Sat Nav got around that problem, my sat nav is working all the time regardless of handbrake position..........
  22. Yeah, I dont mind organising something, maybe late November/early December?
  23. :lol: :lol: think of all the weight ill lose, I cant afford to eat either!! My turbo will go much quicker now!!! :lol: :lol:
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