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Everything posted by ms700

  1. So no T for Easter then? spewing...... :(
  2. Something about a pot or a kettle or calling something black suddenly springs to mind.....
  3. If it sounded like a "flutter", it was the turbocharger's wastegate. Well actually its a lot more complicated than that, but that's the simplest way of explaining it. Completely normal. And sounds I reckon!
  4. I heard a rumour the AC temporarily switches itself on when reversing, so all the O rings and the like dont get all crusty, and the whole AC system stays all nice and lubed? Is this rumour true?
  5. Yeah, I have the dyno figures to prove it too!
  6. Kirsty is currently doing the ring around all the major wineries in the Hunter in the hope of possibly organising some group tours/tastings and anything else they are willing to throw in! :lol:
  7. Thanks for the info Geea. Did they do something to the ECU so its doesnt have a heart attack when the boost goes over 6.5 psi? Is there any point fitting a Typhoon intercooler to a standard T then? Once the boost goes over 6.5psi, wont the ECU start cutting cylinders?
  8. It definately sounds better! Hard to tell if I actually gained more, it feels like its going better, the dyno will tell all next week hopefully.
  9. Jamie, it is good to hear you are happy with the XR8/GT airbox!
  10. I have the full XR8 airbox, and also the Battens adapter. Ihavent dyno'd it yet with the Battens adapter, but my last dyno run about 1 month ago is still reading the same power output (increased) after I installed the XR8 airbox. So to answer your question, no, my ECU hasnt compensated for the increse in airflow. And I have had the XR8 airbox installed for over 6 months now.
  11. ms700


    Dunno bout the whole leaning thing, if you saw the size of me, anything I lean on usually crushes up rather quickly! :lol: I'll have a quiet word to Garry, see what the go is. Now I understand why you want a car bra!
  12. I got the complete accessory listing for the Territory yesterday! Its only a mater of weeks now...... If I remember correctly, there will be 3 grades, a TS, TX and a Ghia. Not 100% sure bout the TS/TX bit, I know its T something!
  13. Probably was a test car. There were heaps driving around in Melbourne when we all went down in October for the FPV/Factory tour! And I mean heaps!
  14. ms700


    Aaahhhh so it was you at Gregorys yesterday! Kirsty comes running in to me and says "theres a XR6T sitting outside with a site sticker on it, and it aint Cro's" :lol: So Mick trundles outside, has a quick butchers, doesnt recognise the bloke talking to the Panel shop manager, and moseys on back inside. And spends the rest of the afternoon wondering who that was! Bugger! Should have introduced myself!
  15. ms700

    Cats and Dogs

    Love dogs. I much rather my German Shepherd and the Terrier watching over the house than any persian chinchilla! :lol: We have had cats before, but dogs suit our family much better. Horses for courses.
  16. ms700

    was that Geea

    I dont get out much, as a few of us know, where abouts is elsternwick? Victoria I assume?
  17. Sure, ill sell you a Premium ICC unit that will bolt into a ute. I have no idea if it will work though! I have heard you have to re-program the ICC or something along those lines. Unfortunately, if the whole process was easy and straightforward, im sure you would have heard about it by now......
  18. Anything is possible if you have enough coin! :lol: For the exact same ICC unit I have in my car (colour screen, 6 stack), you'll need $3078.96. Trade price. Hope this helps.
  19. ??????????????????????????? I didnt get a PM.
  20. Probably has more to do with the fact you own a Holden! j/k
  21. I used to work at Domino's, and trust me when I say, you'd be safer eating the boxes! :banghead:
  22. The easiest way to find out, is play with the throttle. On very light throttle it should whine at about 90kph, but when you back off it should go quiet. That was the symptoms for my whining diff anyway, and they replaced it, no questions asked. Because youre so old, you may have trouble hearing it. If you do, let me know, and Ill take your car for a drive and find out. :lol: :lol:
  23. Kirsty just had a crash. Someone rear ended her. She's fine. The camira that rear ended her isnt! Unfortunately the hit wasnt hard enough to write the AU off, so no BA just yet. :lol: And who's car was parked just around the corner from the crash site? KEN 24T! The things you see.......
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