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Everything posted by ms700

  1. Dunno! Im using Eagle rods in my XC, but that's a totally different motor. There's only one way to find out! :lol: Seriously, the good thing about supercharging, is the power is fed in more gradually, so in a way its kinder on components. Keep in mind, if a rod does let go, a new complete short motor is only about 1500 bucks. Cheaper if you buy through me! :lol: I dont reckon you will have any problems as long as you keep the boost at sane levels. My neighbour Vortech'd his XR6 (EL), its still going real strong, its now got over 100,000 klms on it. Completely standard motor. He runs 8 psi. And he is making 258kw. Hope this helps!
  2. Youre not mad. Trust me, once you hear the whine of a Vortech's geardrive, you wont look back! I absolutely love the sound of a Vortech blower. I can pick it a mile off. There is a supercharged 240 Zed video file going around, those that have heard it know what I mean! Ive got a Vortech, and its super. The sound of them at idle, and winding up is pure sexual chocolate! :lol:
  3. ms700

    Roz Switzer

    As in tree fiddy's? oops, her name! Now I get it! micks a bit slow tonight!
  4. Youre in fine form Gaza, keep up the good work! :lol:
  5. My boss just returned from Sydney, after test driving a Territory with Ford. He rates it highly, and predicts it will be a big seller. He was explaining some of the features to me (downhill assist etc) and it sounds good! We aren't expecting delivery of our first until Early June.
  6. Peter im a little confused. I attended the C&V day in Sydney recently, and asked the very question to the presenter (sorry, his name slips my mind), "Will the Ford computer register any error codes after the Unichip has been removed from the vehicle?" And the presenter said "Yes, the computer will have registered a overboost error code, but no others" I am referring to the Plug in module that was installed in the Merc Silver XR6T, rego ZADANK. Please clarify. Thanks!
  7. Top call that! Its funny how I read about all these little luxury packs on this site first, and not through Ford! I didnt know the SR's were coming back in!
  8. oooooo this one is a toughie. Could be general wear and tear, could be a warranty issue. Take it back to your dealer, and see what they say.
  9. Or how about a complete XR8 air cleaner assembly? They are practically a bolt in exercise. Wouldnt hurt to try it...... everyone I know who's got one is happy with it.
  10. Yes, I know what you meant. The elastic hook gets removed altogether, and it is replaced totally with a plastic blank, available form Ford spare parts, then these little blanks have to be colour coded to match the car! These blanks leave FoMoCo black! You have to organise the colour coding yourself!
  11. You cannot buy the little black thingies colour coded, they leave FoMoCo black. They have to be painted afterwards. Any of the major dealers that have access to a paint shop can organise this easily enough. HardCover make a XR hard tonneau with a hinge in the middle to accommodate a sports bar I think...... they are definately not a Ford option.
  12. ms700

    Skyline R34 GTR

    Dont ever crash a R34, parts are a pain in the ! It was a very difficult and expensive exercise importing parts from Japan for grey imports, most of the time they'd be damaged, or didnt fit properly because the previous owner had changed some parts on the car already. Trust me, I used to work for Nissan!
  13. ms700

    Rapid Clicking Sound

    Does the ticking increase with revs? Or is it only there at 1350rpm?
  14. How much more torque are you making now Geea? Id be estimating somewhere around the 500Nm at the wheels?
  15. ms700

    Exhaust Mods

  16. Ease up here fella's! This topic is starting to develop a title! Ken will not be impressed......
  17. Blow me down Scotty CCC Be carefully what you wish for CCC I'm wishing for any type of blowing if it's going to be with Anastacia Scotty CCC AGREED The film clip to "Im outta love" or whatever its called is
  18. At this stage ill be spectating...... Ill let you know if the XC is ready, but I doubt it.
  19. ms700

    bumper mesh

    Genuine GT mesh will lighten your wallet by 500 bills or so. Dont believe you can get the genuine GT mesh without FPV writing. Maybe some aftermarket mob is doing a copy without the FPV writing.
  20. I will try tomorrow afternoon, after I get home from work. Id try tonight after work, but I left my user number logon at work!
  21. So what topics have been discussed so far? Newbies (poor brutebogart!) Brakes Physics Legalities Emissions Ratio of modified to non modified cars Have I missed any others?!!!
  22. I have access to the BA Service manual, via the Ford workshop intranet site. I will try and see if I can transfer the files over, and burn them to a CD.
  23. Wiring, my pet hate! (next to transits!) It is soo hard to give you a exact RRP, due to all the different harnesses used, but for a Prem Audio equipped XR, RRP is $660.05. Hope this helps!
  24. From the title, I thought Vibe was a new nightclub!
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