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Everything posted by ms700

  1. ms700

    What team for me

    Once in HgAg, always in HgAg. :banghead: I'll crack a original, witty, funny joke here and say "geez, your car is HgAg under the black you know!"
  2. Top stuff Adam, good to hear! :banghead:
  3. Another question for APS.... Should the auto be "done" as a part of a Phase II package? Or is the auto considered OK with a motor churning out 330kw?
  4. Thanks fella's, will be knocking the top off a few tonight!
  5. I think the true question is 'Who DOESN'T'! :lol: As long as you don't have one of these showers, what's the problem. "It recycles hot water that would ordinarily go down the drain," Mr Kenchington, of Glebe, said. "The system is like a vertical spa, where users can enjoy a guilt-free shower. Reminds me of that scene from American Pie at the party when Stiffler is getting p!ssed on!
  6. How about you organise a car carrier pronto! I know I want to! Just dont expect it to be finished by Christmas..... :lol: The XC is definately not enough, after I finished with ms702 (XC), ms701 (XB) may be swallowing a full BA 240kw/270kw motor.... sorry to hijack the thread peoples
  7. ms700

    Rim Matching

    They are definately not a factory alloy wheel currently available for the BA Falcon. I have a alloy wheel poster next to me, which lists all alloy wheels fitted to all Fords at the moment, and those puppies arent on it anywhere..... Looks like something aftermarket with the genuine Ford centre cap whacked in.
  8. I rest my case. :lol: Also, I have bought myself a "NA Thunder decision maker", it is a new camera with video/audio, so when the XC is on the dyno the week after next, I can record it, and forward you the appropriate file, to make certain your final decision will involve the word "Vortech". "pure sexual chocolate"
  9. Fixed now Glenn! Be careful what globe's you put in, the headlight lens' on the EF's were not the best.... often you will see a EF driving around with "frosted" lens.
  10. Supercharge it champ, trust me. If you really want confirmation on that idea, book a flight down to the ACT in about 2 weeks......
  11. ms700

    Raising my T

    Are you serious? Ford have spent millions on the handling of this car, and you want to go and wreck all that?
  12. ms700

    Brake mods

    I'll look up the part numbers/pricing for the Territory brakes on Monday..... :wacko:
  13. Mine has that too. August build. Ummm, everyone has it, its called bonnet lining. I have a Dec 02 and ive got one.
  14. Be kind to each other please, or ill go and find one of these......
  15. If you want to travel a few hundred K's to drive my T 600m your welcome!
  16. Was it your last? :lol: STFU :o So it was your last? :lol:
  17. Yep, I filled my form in, got a call form form Customer Relations about 4 weeks later, wanting to go through my form with me, and asking some more questions!
  18. Kitty has the same cough as me.
  19. Good question I think all the main drivers go into Practice 1 only, and their partners do Practice 2. Ritter is in Pos 3, in the number 1 car, which is Ambrose. Which would make Cro's theory correct.
  20. Its only early days, and I wasnt paying close attention when I did the Microcat update, mainly wiring harness changes, gearbox (obviously), there were a few other items that popped up with different choices ie; use this part if motor makes 240, use this part if motor makes 270 etc. I might list some tasty/relevant/interesting changes at work tomorrow and list a couple. Sorry, not much use ATM am I! :lol:
  21. We got the part number for the 6 speed today, as well as some of the part numbers for the extra tasty stuff fitted to the F6 Typhoon. No prices unfortunately.
  22. Before I was promoted/demoted into the phone room where I work, I used to do around 60'000 klms a year combined, driving the delivery trucks and 60klm round trip home. I have NOT been booked while the point system has been in place. Maybe im lucky, who knows. Most of us have stretched the legs on the cars we drive, I am certainly guilty of that one. But I think if you are given 15 points instead of 12, that will still not be enough. All you will do is re-adjust your thinking, so instead of taking it easy after the loss of 6 points, you will take it easy after the loss of, say, 9. My 1.8 c worth.
  23. ms700

    Mosman Council

    Its funny cause its true! Cro makes more smoke when he lights a cigarette than when he "tries" to spin the tyres! I dont have a problem with smokers, its only when they blow smoke in my face that I do. I personally dont like it, mainly because ive seen what it can do to you.
  24. Just use the best from everything - that formula seemed to work well with boof1. Dont sell anything yet, suss the unichip, then go talk to Rob and see what he reckons. If you have any problems/queries im sure Rob will answer them for you.
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