It is easy to do as long as you are careful. You will need a Torx tool to remove the 4 Torx headed bolts that hold the airbag on. Also, the steering wheel is attached to column via Torx head as well. 1) Disconnect battery, wait 5 mins. 2) Remove 4 Torx head bolts from rear of airbag. 3) Unplug the audio control, cruise control, and airbag connections. 4) Remove the Torx bolt that holds steering wheel to column. 5) Turf old wheel, install new wheel. 6) Go and buy Mick a box of beer with the money you saved by installing it yourself! The rest is just a reversal of removal, just be careful when replacing air bag, the connectors and wires can get in the way, ensure they are tied up properly. I have installed many BA wheels, 2 on my own cars, 1 on Saleen's, and many others. No airbags have gone off yet! All the talk about air bags having to be "reset" or whatever is not true.